Friday 2 August 2013

The story of a little twig boat

"Once upon a time, there was a little twig boat sailing on the ocean. It sailed and it sailed until, suddenly, it sunk. But do not worry as the sweet and kind mermaid of the ocean rescued the little twig boat and they became the best of friends"

Early this morning, i took the girls to the store to pick up lots of art supplies. Elle was running low on colours and had run out of paper to draw on. We picked up the bits she asked for and came home. We sat at the table and these were Elle's words. " Let's put on our very own play mummy. You can be in charge of props, and i shall be in charge of scenery. I am going to draw a mermaid in an ocean."
I had seen these little twig boats on pinterest and decided to make one up for the play. We went out the front and gathered some twigs and i set to work making the boat and Elle set to work drawing the scenery. Once we were both finished, we taped up Elle's drawing and she put on her show.

And that is how our morning went.


  1. Gosh that is so sweet, you are so clever!
    I love how you worked together on the project too. Elle sounds adorable and I love her picture x

    1. I am glad you love it! We love crafting together :) x



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