Thursday 1 August 2013

The garden

Today, we visited my mum's partners parents house in the countryside. It was the first time we have visited them and as soon as i walked into their garden, i felt like i had found my happy place! It was completely wonderful and magical and enchanting and i could have taken photographs all day! I shot some video footage for a video, which i shall be editing and posting within the next week.

We played badminton, had water fights, had a bbq, ate pancakes, played on the rope swings and explored the green house. The girls didn't want to leave and Mia actually cried when we told her we were going home! A perfect sunny day in a perfect garden with lovely company. Elle was in her element, of course, with so many flowers to look at. There was a wild orchard wood at the back of the garden which i wish i could have explored and there was every sort of flower under the sun growing.


  1. Oh it's so wonderful. I especially love the water gun shot and the green house one. Love. Xxx

  2. That is an incredible garden! So beautiful xx

  3. Wow, that really does look like a beautiful garden. What a lovely place to spend the day. x

  4. OH wow! This does look like the most perfect place for you! how lucky to be there and the weather looks perfect as well. Love you in your new dress too my dear. :) So good, so enjoyed these sweet shots!

    M xx

    1. Thank you sweet M! This is the last of the good weather apparently but i hope they are just telling fibs and we still get nice weather for the rest of the summer x

  5. Gosh that looks like such a gorgeous garden. My husbands aunty has a house with woodland and it's amazing, it's my happy place x

    1. Oh, that sounds perfect too! I love gardens like these and aspire to own one in the future x

  6. Gorgeous. The perfect summers day. I bet the girls will remember it for years to come. :-)

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, i am sure they will! x



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