Tuesday 27 August 2013

A wedding weekend

My sister got married on saturday by the lake! I was her maid of honor and did a little bit of photography for her. It was a perfect day. It did rain but their theme was a festival theme, so it seemed to suit it well! We spent the weekend camping at the lake with them and our family and friends. The days were filled with kite flying, cricket, watching the boats on the lake, toasting marshmellows, watching the stars and sleeping under twinkle fairy lights and candles in our bell tent. Even the little foot bridges were wrapped in twinkle lights! Gilles and i got to drive out to the supermarket on our own which was a novelty! We treated it as a tiny date ;) We very very rarely get to go anywhere just the two of us. 

I shall be sharing more about the wedding when i upload some photographs from my camera. These photographs were taken on my iphone. It was a great weekend and we loved celebrating my sisters wedding with her and her new husband.

                                         (my sister and i after having our hair done before the wedding)


  1. What gorgeous pictures! Makes me want to get married again :)

    1. Thank you! And me! I now want to plan renewing my vows :) x

  2. I think your sis might have had my perfect wedding :). Everything sounds wonderful and I jut love thinking of you all camping. That tent is to die for and so is the flower camper. Elle and Mia's happy faces peeking out makes me smile so much. My mom loved it when I showed it to her :)

    M x

    1. It was perfect!!!! I think she thought so as well.I cannot wait to share more photographs with you x



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