Tuesday 21 May 2013

Lilac crowns

Lilacs are just one of our favourites in this house. Our neighbours have so much of it in their garden which spills into ours and today, i collected some in a basket to make lilac crowns and to have some next to my bed in a jar. Even though the crown won't last very long, it looks so pretty hanging up. I adore the song Away by Hannah Fury and it inspired me to pick some and make up this crown. Elle then took all the left over flowers to play in her room with. She likes to arrange flowers in bunches and wrap them with ribbon. She has some in her room now also. And of course she just had to model the crown for me. As soon as i finished it, she was hovering over me, ready to wear it herself. 

I heard he is missing in the river now
They say he is nowhere to be found
I hope she sang the sweetest lullaby
So that he was calm when he went down
Angels sing Glory Hallelujah
But he will bring his voice to heaven and blow them all away
He will bring his voice to heaven and blow them all away
I guess he is singing in the water now
Breathing in the purity of sound
I know she promised him a lilac crown
So that he was not afraid to drown
Angels sing Glory Hallelujah
But he will bring his voice to heaven and blow them all away
He will bring his voice to heaven and blow them all away
Put them all to shame
Blow them all away - Hannah Fury, Away.



  1. That little lace dress is just precious x

  2. These photos are absolutely gorgeous! Love the lilac crowns. <3

  3. I love the scent of lilacs and the crowns you made are beautiful. Hope you have a great day.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. Yes, they are wonderful. Thank you dear. I did x

  4. Oh so glad you have lilacs now! Such amazing photos. So adore the way you see, K. Beautiful. Elle's hair is is the most magical hair ever i think! Just like strands of copper.

    Madlyn xx

    1. You are wonderful M. Thank you. Yes it really is. I would love her hair x

  5. Oh so lovely! You have such a talent with flowers xx

  6. Oh, Those crowns are really, really beautiful... and also the photography. :-)

  7. Elle is such a good little model isn't she? She looks so beautiful and ethereal, and her hair is just amazing! My mum and dad have a huge lilac in their garden that was brought for them as a wedding present, it even moved house with them. So beautiful. x

    1. Thank you Lucy. She is a great model. I love her :) x

  8. Found you via Friday chaos blog hop...
    What a gorgeous little girl! Love her hair x

    1. Hello, thank you for commenting. I am coming to your blog now x



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