Wednesday 15 May 2013

Flower fairy garlands

My dear friend, Kat, sent me and the girls some flower fairy postcards. We love flower fairies here in the pink household and all three of us loved this parcel. I made up two little garlands for the girls rooms out of the postcards. It took a while to figure out where to hang Elle's as her room is quite full of lovely things and she was adamant that she didn't want anything moved in her room but i found a little spot just for it.

For those that read my blog, you will know that i have a thing for book page garlands. I have one above my bed made out of an old black beauty book. I am happy that both the girls have their own little garlands too and for them to have fairies on is the icing on the cake!



  1. Oh these are really lovely, you are so creative. I bet your little girl's love having such a creative mummy. I love the fairy postcards- Mads my biggest girl is fairy mad. xx

    1. Thank you Katie. You should get some of these too! They are from amazon in big packs x

  2. I adore flower fairies. I had two beautiful old flower fairy books as a girl and they were my favourites. In fact I've been looking for some flower fairy things to get my little miss until she is big enough to inherit the books (they were my mums before me so they are really special.) I always wanted to be the fushia fairy when I was little. x

    1. Thank you Lucy. We have all the books too. I had the collection when i was little and my grandma gave me them for the girls. We love them and have lots of the merchandise too x

  3. congratulations for your work!

  4. They are lucky to have a mum like you, their room is beautiful and I liked these posts cards.

  5. What a sweet little blog you have! So glad I found it! I just did a post on my little girls room too. Hanging those cards is such a good idea!!

    Tanya xx

    November Grey

  6. So lovely to see these at yours, you have hung them so beautifully. I hope the girls enjoy them for a long time. Flower fairies are still close to my heart now even after all these years. I'm sure you feel the same and in turn the girls will grow up with them in their memories and imagination.
    Your photos of them are so wonderful, I must share at my blog when I can, love kat x



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