Tuesday 1 January 2013

This girl

I wanted to start of the new year talking about this little girl. Elle Kate Louise. Gosh, i love her.

Firstly, I would love to do a video with Elle answering any questions anyone has for her. It would also be a great little keepsake that we can watch back in a few years and giggle at. Leave any questions for her in the comments :)

She has the most perfect hair in the world. At first glance, you would think it is just ginger, but if you look closer, she has white blonde streaks, brown streaks, gold streaks and very red streaks. Her hair turns to pure gold when in the sunlight and she likes to sit in the sunlight looking at her hair and telling me how gold it is. Like treasure.

She is so smart! She is a space geek. She loves stars and planets and can tell you all about the solar system, milkway and moon. She loves reading space books and looking at the stars at night time.

She loves dressing up. She hardly wears trousers or jeans as she always wants to be in her skirts or dresses. She would wear party or princess dresses and tutus everyday if i let her, and sometimes i do!

She has stopped going to dance classes now and i have enrolled her at a gymnastics school. She has only been going for one term and has passed her first badge and awards already. I am so proud of her! She loves going.

She has an attitude! She knows what she wants and is very fiery and stubborn. But she isnt naughty with it, it just makes us giggle with some of the things she comes out with and then she sees us laughing so marches off to her bedroom and throws herself on her bed, very dramatic like!

Her favourite person in the whole world is her sister. They are the best of friends and are alwasy together. Elle is desperate for Mia to share her room with her. We are thinking within the next year to move them in one room together and then having a playroom as mia is always playing in elles room with her or vice versa.

She starts school in september! She wants to go now though. She is so desperate to be a big girl and go to big school. Its going to break my heart the day she heads off to school though and i want to treasure this time that i have with her before she is taken away from me for 5 days a week!

Gah, i love her. She can be a madame sometimes but what 4 year old isnt?



  1. The photos, and your description of her has already made me fall in love with her as well. She's beautiful, and sounds really beautiful as well!

    She's such a gem! Do ask her what's her favorite planet, and which princess would she like to be? :) x

    1. thank you for your questions, she has answered them in the latest post x

  2. she sounds like a daughter anyone would be lucky to have, msA

    ok erm...the obvious i guess, what does she want to DO (not be) when she grows up!

  3. awwww she's so adorable, a little princess with a big heart :)

  4. She is just so beautiful and her hair, it is totally like treasure, what a perfect way to describe it.

  5. Not sure if you have heard to the colour titian but that is your little ones hair colour, I also have that hair colour :-) It has a bit of everything in it :-) oohh a question .... can I ask two? What do you want to be when you grow up (my little one wants to be a butterfly :-)) and also what is your favourite planet and why :-) xxx

    1. how interesting! no i havent. i am going to look into that as it sounds lovely.
      Elle answered the questions and she too wants to be a butterfly. The other questions has been answered in my latest post x

  6. Elle is so beautiful and lovely! x

  7. Oh my gosh, Elle is getting so big and beautiful. Gorgeous girl!

    1. Hello dear, thank you! Yes she is. I hope you are well x

  8. Elle is such a beautiful fairy. Ah how i would love to play with her and Mia. :) xx



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