Wednesday 2 January 2013


I wanted to do a little review and share my favourite posts from 2012.

January - I started the year leaving my job and becoming a full stay at home mama / Mia turned 10 months / Elle loved her camera and would document out days.

February - I made a paperboat mobile for Elle's room / The girls and i made loveday cupcakes for their daddy / Mia turned 11 months

March - I photographed Mia's first birthday shoot / Elle had her first dance show / We decorated the house with lilac from the garden.

April - I changed my blog name / I photographed my friends

May - We had a family day flying kites / Elle photographed the bluebells / I shared a bird and bunting tree DIY / I made pink lemonade cupcakes

June - I shared a video of Elles room / I had a photographed published in a national newspaper / I ran a 5k run for charity

July - Gilles gave me an eternity ring for our 5 year wedding anniversary / Elle learnt to write her name / I turned 26 / Mia learnt to walk

August - We went on holiday to the beach / Mia turned 16 months / We picked plums and blackberries

September - I shared a walnut shell boat DIY / I photographed the water fairy shoot

October - We went flower picking / We celebrated halloween /

November - Elle set up a toy clinic in her room / We made shadow puppets on the wall at nighttime

December - We made a gingerbread house / I made honey and spice cupcakes / We had a wonderful christmas and i got a new camera


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