Friday 2 November 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy halloween to you all. We hope you had a lovely time.

It was very quiet here. Elle had her first gymnastics class and then the girls put on their costumes. We got everything ready for the evening for our trick or treaters but didnt get a single one. Elle was quite upset but it was just pouring and not a nice evening atall.

It does make me sad sometimes though that we are not in a nice little village or community where all the children go out together. We live on one of the main roads in the town centre, opposite a supermarket, and its just doesnt have that community feel. I cannot wait for one day when we are out in a village and the girls will be able to go and play with other little children too. I have big dreams!



  1. Aw I'm sorry you didn't get any trick or treaters, but the girls look adorable anyway!
    Kerry x

  2. I love the pink playhouse, so cute...and ofcours your little girls aswell. Have great weekend./ Sahra

  3. Your girls are adorable - such sweet costumes!

  4. A shame you weren't lucky with the weather... But yes, I agree that your girls look really cute anyway, and I'm sure they enjoyed playing dress-up :)

  5. Aww so gorgeous! It rained a lot here too!

    Jennie xo |



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