Tuesday 30 October 2012


Lately, i havent been blogging. I miss it very much. I miss just taking that time out to document our days.

Mia still isnt sleeping and now she is older and alot more demanding, i am alot more tired. Elle and i have craft time whilst Mia naps and then in the evenings, i am just shattered and i dont even open the laptop.

I want to make time now for blogging. I am trying to re-organise our days so we have alot more time out and start going to childrens groups and other weekly activities. Elle is now stopping dancing and is starting gymnastics. It was her choice and she has her first class tomorrow to meet her coach and have a tour around the gymnastics school and a play on the equipment.



  1. Gymnastics sounds fabulous! When Elle starts school things will hopefully be easier for you. Well I hope so, I cant imagine how hard it is to have two angels. Rufus and Millie exhausted me today and it was only one day! Take care sweetheart. Christmas is just around the corner, sounds like the perfect time to get organised.
    Louise x

    1. Thanks darling. I just find it so hard doing everything and having any energy to even sit at the laptop or take photos of the girls and edit when im so tired. HAve a few tricks up our sleeves to keep mia sleeping now after speaking to the in laws yesterday x

  2. Wow, they're growing up so fast! I also missed your posts :)Take good care of yourself, organizing is always a good idea... I hope Elle's gymnastics class goes well!

  3. It's not easy to balance everything, and their rhythm and demands seem to change every week! And what's so true is that you'd regret having missed any little thing you are living with them these days...



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