Thursday 28 June 2012


This coming saturday, my husband and i will have been married for five whole years! I feel so blessed to be married to him and i cannot believe how time has flown by! He is the love of my life and i cannot wait to grow old with him.

Gilles is working all day and night on saturday so we had a date evening on tuesday. He disappeared for an hour and came back with a big smile on his face. He took me upstairs and gave me this beautiful red heart shaped box. Inside was this beautiful eternity ring! My engagment and wedding ring belonged to his grandmother. She wore them for 50 years before she passed away and now i have them. This ring completes the set. I feel so honoured to firstly be wearing her rings now but even more so to have received her eternity ring also. I never knew her as she passes away before i met Gilles, but he tells me stories of her and she seemed wonderful.

My heart flipped! I feel so so happy and lucky to have this ring and to know that my husband loves me so deeply to give me an eternity ring is a pretty amazing feeling.

Happy 5 years to my wonderful wonderful husband. I cannot wait to see what the future holds and celebrate many MANY more years together. x



  1. Congratulations! And yes, beautiful ring :)

  2. Happy Anniversary for this weekend, the ring is beautiful - lucky lucky lady xxxx



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