Tuesday 1 May 2012

a rainy day

Another rainy day but today, daddy was home! Elle's request? A fort. We just made up a quick fort for her and we all piled in. It was so much fun just all hiding in our own little place. This fort is going to be requested alot more, i can tell.
Sorry about the quality of pictures, i just snapped some memory shots on my iphone :) i love days like today.

Tomorrow, i will finally get around to Mia's 13 months post. Only a week late!



  1. I love these photos - their grainy quality somehow makes them extra-nice. Looks like a lovely day!

    1. thank you aunty. i love documenting our days. i wish i had alot more pictures of me when i was little doing everyday stuff so i am glad the girls will have thousands of pictures to go through :) x

  2. I agree with the above commenter; the graininess of the photos makes the subject matter even sweeter. :)

  3. Weather has been terrible in Belgium too, rain for 30 days now :(

    Adorable pictures!

  4. About the same here too! how miserable. i am so looking forward to summer! xxxx



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