Friday 27 January 2012

Acheiving my dreams

Photography has always been one of my biggest dreams. After i had Elle, i would go out with her in the buggy and just do little shoots. I loved it. It felt so amazing to be able to create something. I spent hours writing down ideas and dreaming up images that i wanted to create. Stories that i wanted to tell.

I then became pregnant with Mia and i just lost all passion and drive. I have talked about this numerous times on this blog and how i lack confidence in my work.
I do get told alot that my work is good and people buy my prints but that lack of self confidence is something i just cant get over.

I then had a lovely email from a wonderful person offering to pay for a online photography course for me. I am completely self taught but i still dont understand photography. Most of my shoots are whims. I panic when it comes to settings on the camera and working out how to get certain shots. It is frustrating and it knocks me down even further.
I will be doing the Kirsty Wiseman photography e-course which i am excited about. I finally will be taught about the settings and learn the basics that i never managed to understand myself.

I have always admired a photographer called Sheye Rosemeyer (not just for her photography, but her as a person too). I have wanted to take one of her online workshops for ages and never thought i would get the chance as we just couldnt afford for me to take it. I aspire to take pictures as good as hers.
I just put it in the back of my head as one of those things that i would love to do eventually. Well today, i received a message from Sheye herself. My heart was pounding as i opened it. She said that i had won a place on the photography workshop that i have always wanted to do! oh my goodness!

I just feel so lucky to be able to take these two classes and each class covers different aspects. I am taking that step now to acheiving my dreams. I am going to take everything out of these as i can so when i come out the other side, i wont be afraid anymore. I need to be brave and i need to gain this confidence and stop being silly. My confidence has really held me back in my life and i just want to fight forward now and be what i want to be... a photographer.



  1. Sweetie you have the natural ability as a photographer - hope the courses give you everything you need to progress. I wish I had half your talent! xx

    1. Thank you darling. i am so excited about how this. xx



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