Saturday 17 December 2011

a secret little corner

I wanted to share some images from my instagram. I am just in love with it. Being a mummy, you can loose sight of what you love and having things that are just for you. I use this blog to document my life as a mummy with the girls but having instagram allows me to share me. I can upload pictures of teacups and bows and lace and little treasures i have collected over the years. I find it is a secret corner of the world just for me and my imagination.

If you are on instagram, i would love for you to follow me :gingerlillytea


  1. I came across your blog, and just love it! The photos are so girly and pretty. Look forward to more updates :)


  2. I love these! They're so gorgeous and imaginative. What do you use to edit these?

  3. I love this collection of photos, it is like a secret place at instagram isn't it. We are lucky to have made such a nice group of friends there - it makes it feel so welcoming. I go there when i need a chat or a boost of something pretty. You know I love seeing your treasures. It would be so nice to see them in person but instagram is the next best thing. We can see inside peoples homes and see what they love.
    I also like your new banner ;) that yellow ditsy flower is so you and just perfect
    Kat xox

  4. Thank you Angela, how lovely of you xx

    Thank you sweet Luisa

    Leah, i used instagram and for the boarders i used an app called Xiamen

    Kat, you always say the loveliest things. Thank you for being so lovely xx



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