Tuesday 27 December 2011


Happy 9 months little Mia. I am a few days late but boy have we been busy!!

You are amazing. I just cant get enough of you. I just love everything about you.

You are now commando crawling. You are pretty speedy and i am glad you have started to move around as doctors sure know how to scare mummys when they say you are "delayed".
You stomach strength has come on leaps and you are sitting up properly. You are saying mummy, daddy and cat. You can copy sounds though and on christmas day, you said "oh dear"

We are still co-sleeping. You are just such a sensitive little soul and i know you feel the safest inbetween mummy and daddy, and we dont mind. We love having you there. Your sister was always so independant as a baby and loved her own space and own room but we will do anything to make you happy, and we know you are the happiest when we co-sleep. You are still waking for milk in the night (and cuddles!).

You have the goofiest smile. Its adorable! You also suck on your lip when you are in a mischevious mood.

Yout favourite person is still your sister! You two have such a beautiful bond and i cannot wait to see that blossom in the next few years.

Mummy has started thinking about your birthday. A little fairy is only 1 once so we will be celebrating!!!

Thank you for these last wonderful 9 months. You have made our family complete and we are al utterly in love with you.



  1. Aw , that's just so sweet! Lovely piece of writing and a great way to capture the moment here on your lovely blog:) Happy 9th month ickle fairy girl xxxx



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