Wednesday 30 November 2011

vintage thrifting

In my town, there is an amazing vintage shop. It is full to the brim of vintage clothes, china, handmade stalls, old bicycles, furniture and other wonderful retro items! I met my friend Kelly today to have a little look around. Kelly runs her own vintage crockery hire business so we were tring to find some lovely teacups and sets for her. I was looking for a vintage dolls crib for Elle's christmas present. I didnt find one though so the hunt continues but this shop is a very firm favourite of mine!

I ended up only buying one item - some reindeer food for christmas eve!



  1. I would be in heaven in that shop. So beautiful. And how cute is the reindeer food! What a lovely idea :)

  2. Oooh, wish I could've come along too! That shop just looks better and better... Now I really want to go there soon!
    Some great items in those pictures. The sign about the hokey cokey really made me laugh!

  3. Louise, its lovely! i just love it

    Aunty, can we go soon? x

  4. Oh wow! I could spend hours in a place like that!

  5. What a fab shop, full of such christmassy goodness too :)

  6. Vintage Crockery

    Vintage Crockery supply beautiful and authentic vintage crockery for weddings.
    We are based in the Cotswolds and serve within a 30 mile radius.



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