Thursday 24 November 2011

full of love.

We don't celebrate thanks giving over here in England, but today i was woken at midday by my wonderful husband and tiniest fairy. I am sick with a cough and cold and i was really thankful for the little extra sleep.

I am always thankful and greatful and i wanted to share my little list.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband and two children. I couldnt imagine being without them by my side. I am thankful for the support and strength my husband gives and for the smiles i have on my face daily because of the girls. I am truly blessed to have such a loving family and for a husband who understands my weird and crazy self!

I am thankful for my family. My sister is my best friend. This lady is pretty wonderful too! My mum, my brothers, my little sister, my dad and his wife. I am extra thankful to my dad. He took me on as his own child when i was only a year old and has never treated me any different. He chose to be my dad and it makes me love him just that little bit more.

I am thankful for my grandma. I lived with her for a few years as a teenager and we are so alike. We used to visit the end of her garden when i was younger and say hello to the fairies (and we still do now!!). We have our birthdays one day apart and we always have a special celebration every year. We share a love of Beatrix Potter, Enid Blyton and ballets. She is one of my best friends.

I am thankful to all my blog readers. I started this blog when Mia was a month old. I started it with the best intentions but got caught up a little in the blogging world and started doubting my blog and i started comparing but i have taken a step back to re-evaluate. I dont need hundreds of followers or thousands of blog hits. I am thankful to the people who take their time out to read and comment on my little corner of the web and i cannot wait for the girls to be bigger to read back on all the adventures we got up to.

Today, i am thankful for cough medicine and cold capsules (with extra caffeine)! Right now, Elle is at nursery and little Mia is napping so i am all warm under the duvet with extra woolly socks and cardigans listening to Hannah Fury and willing this cold to go away.

I am also thankful for wonderful memories in my life. I am such a daydreamer and can spend hours visiting memories in my head and just have a feeling of peace and love in my heart.

Thank you to everyone who i love and cherish and for all those who have made my world just that little bit better.

To say thank you to everyone, i am offering 10% off in my shop until the end of december if you use the code INDIE




  1. Lovely Keri :D I think even though it isn't a tradition here, we all really do need to step back and look at what we have in our lives and thank god it's not been taken from us. Think right now i'm thankful for everything i have and for central heating! :D x

  2. This is such a beautiful post!
    Oh, and i can totally relate with you.. we shouldn't let ourselves get caught up in the blogging world. It happens to me too sometimes and it's pretty hard...

  3. i love your photos. HOW do you make them look like that!?

  4. You have such a gorgeous blog, and all your gorgeous photos just look magical, how do you make them look so beautiful! I am a new follower from the fest stopping by to say hi! Em

  5. New follower here!. Beautiful photos!. Hope to see you around my place sometime :) xx

  6. So beautiful, although we don't celebrate it in the UK, i is important to stop and be thankful for everything good and wonderful in lives no matter how small it is :)

  7. What a beautiful thankful list and gorgeous photos!

  8. HI Kerri-Ann

    I am your newest follower from the followers fect. I love your blog. Your girls are beautiful and you and your bubby are so cute. I'm off to checkout your shop. I LOVE handmade!!! SO nice meeting you friend:)

    xoxox Hanna

  9. What a beautiful post! Stopping by from follower fest. You blog is so whimsical!

  10. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments.

    These photos are from my instagram and i use photoshop to edit my photography shop photos. I use candyeyed actions alot too xxxx

  11. A beautiful post, I shared a love of ballet with my grandma too
    Love kat x

  12. What a beautiful post!I love all your pictures they are beautiful!

    And I am your newest follower from the Follower Fest!

  13. JOHN KERR?
    This the same KERR with SAILL?
    And ANNE?
    This the same ANNE with KILLA COLES- TORONTO?
    We know ELLE.
    She's with JAGGER.
    And he's with STING.
    And we know MIA.
    She's the one in COMIA with PIA and PSSESSIN and DELL.
    They're all going to HELL.
    With HEDOGI.



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