Monday 3 October 2011

Their bedrooms

I am working hard getting the girls rooms sorted. Mia is now in her own room and today, we managed to clear out some of the things we had hoarding in there. I got to put her a few bits i wanted to and tidy it up abit.

We are also doing up Elle's room. We added some floral wallpaper next to her bed and i am adding little touches throughout the room for her. Today, i made a pinwheel bunting from the pinwheels i made for her birthday party and in a few weeks, we are taking out her changing unit and adding a reading fort corner.



  1. It's all coming along so nicely - can't wait to see!

  2. Love the pinwheel bunting!

  3. i am dying to decorate a little girl's room... you are so lucky ;)

  4. so pretty!!! I love these pictures! the pinwheel bunting is so cute :) I cant wait to start decorating a nursery!
    elles hair is getting so long too! she has such beautiful curls :)
    x x x



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