Sunday 23 October 2011

Our little allotment

Today, we visited our very own allotment for the first time. We have wanted to get an allotment for a long time and finally a plot came up. It is alot bigger than we thought and we are so excited to get started. We have so many plans on things to plant and grow and i am very excited by the thought of a little shed on our plot which i can put up bunting inside!

The thought of the girls growing up knowing where food comes from and us always using our own produce for our meals is exciting. Elle is already planning what she wants and is demanding that we bring her wheelbarrow and spade next time so she can help.

We have a lot of work to do initially to get the plot ready to plant and we are reading up on what we can plant right now. I cannot wait to see how our little allotment will be next summer! Full of rhubarb and raspberries and strawberries!

Elle spent the morning helping our friend on her allotment and i came home with 3 kilos of cooking apples!



  1. Oh yippee!! This is just lovely! We hope you all have a great time setting up and using your new allotment. XX

  2. the cutest thing! :P

  3. Congrats. I have one too and it's the best thing. I look forward to seeing your progress.

    Happy allotmenteering!

    Sam xxx

  4. Thanks for following me @! Following you back!

  5. How sweet! Elle is such a good helper. :0) All we could grow was lettuce this year. At least it's a start. :0)



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