Wednesday 31 August 2011

plums and apples

Monday, we spent the day at my aunties house. My aunty and i made apple and plum jam! And it is very very yummy!

This is one of the things i am going to do more off. Jam making. And pie making. And soup making! Gah, just call me mrs domestic!!! Oh and bread making! I think i am really setting myself up here for a VERY busy autumn in the kitchen. Lucikly, Elle loves to help and Mia is quite happy sitting in her chair watching and kicking her legs to my music.
The thought of the girls growing up learning and knowing how to bake is lovely. I remember having my own recipe book when i was younger and i am now on a hunt for the best ones for the girls with simple kiddie recipes in that Elle can learn from and then Mia too.

Oh, and happy september for tomorrow! I am so excited for september. Autumn is coming and its Elle's birthday month!


  1. Yummy! send some of that jam my way ;)

  2. Hi, new follower and fan! Your blog is awesome, I LOVE it.

  3. I want to make some jam with you and your aunty!!! How cozy!

  4. YUM! I'm not a jam fan, but home-made jam is the best!



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