Thursday 11 August 2011

mummy fashion

(my lace dress collection)

Recently, i have been posting abit about sewing and clothes. I put on 2 stone with Mia and after i had her, i just didnt feel like i could wear all my lovely clothes. I then started to feel like i was loosing who i was. I love clothes and i love fashion and i am going through my closet working out all the clothes i will be wearing again and then selling the others. I am a sucker for dresses. Lace dresses in fact. Old vintage dresses. Silk slip skirts, anything floral or romantic. Ruffles.

Last night, i turned another old nightie i found into a lovely dress. I think i have found a passion here! i can just see my collection growing and growing and eventually, i might start selling them! I just cant help myself when i see an old grandma nightdress hanging in the charity shops!

It inspires me to be more creative with the girls clothes also. I love putting Mia is rompers, dresses and little bloomers and the same with Elle. I love finding unique pieces and pretty float tops for Elle to wear with little over knickers/bloomers. Oh and cardigans! How could i forget cardigans!

I think there might be many many more posts about what we all wore.



  1. Oh my gosh, those are adorable!!! Where do you find these?! I can never find pretty dresses like these. And the picture with the horse...that one is gorgeous! I love the layers with the cardigan on top!!!


  2. You have lovely style and beautiful clothes. Amazing images too.
    You look very slim and lovely to me. We change after having children and clothes and accessories are a part of our identity and help us remember who we are.
    Your blog is super lovely and you look gorgeous. xx

  3. oh my goodness, I would definitely buy your collection. Gorgeous!

  4. Your dresses are beautiful. I'd love to have your talent, you should definately start selling them. My post-baby wardrobe seems to be limited to t-shirts and jeans at the moment, I'm gradually trying to slip dresses back in.

  5. Beeeeeeeautiful! I would never have thought of doing that! Of course, even if I had thought of doing it, I wouldn't be able to follow through b/c I can't sew!

    You look lovely in those dresses!!!

  6. You're a bad influence Mrs Pink. Today I bought one nightie and one absolutely gorgeous (but embarrssingly see-through) peach chiffon and lace dress from a newly opened YMCA shop (all our other chaity shops are extortionate (if I want to spend £15 on a dress, I'd rather it was new!), but this new one is quite a find...

    I LOVE the photo of you and the rocking horse,that dress is to die for xx



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