Wednesday 10 August 2011

hemming dresses

Another one of my obbessions is collecting old nightdresses from charity shops and cutting them up, adding belts and turning them into dresses. Before i learnt about sewing, i must admit that i was reckless. i would just cut, not care about fraying or making the edges straight. I have ruined a few of my collection by cutting too short. I am so thankful to my aunty for helping me learn the basics of sewing and now i am steadily getting through my collection, hemming them properly and enjoying a whole new wardrobe!!

After having Mia, i just felt so fat and frumpy and just didnt want to wear anything nice as i didnt feel confident or happy. I still havent completely lost the baby weight and still not completely happy but i am getting there and i want to start wearing the clothes i love. Vintage dresses, old nighties, woolly tights, cardigans, anything lace. I also have a collection of underslip silk skirts that i love wearing over tights.

This is one of my favourite nighties turned dresses. I found it at a local charity shop and this morning i hemmed it.

I will keep collecting and collecting and turning them all into lovely dresses and i hope that one day Elle and Mia will wear them.

                                                         (some of my nightie collection)

Also today, i am the featured mommy of the week over at As We Grow. Come and have a little read. Also, say hello to Kaity. Her blog is wonderful and so is she!



  1. oh my Goodness!! You are so talented! What a gorgeous collection!

  2. Well done Keri-Anne! They will all look like new dresses now. I love that little lace and roses one, it's lovely.

  3. I was i knew how to sew! that is beautiful and you are very talented! Love it!

    In our sea of love



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