Thursday 18 August 2011

Babiekins magazine: 6

My favourite childrens magazine is Babiekins magazine. I have featured a previous issue on my blog before.
It is jam packed full of whimsical photography shoots, the most amazing etsy shops and little treasure finds for your little ones.
Issue 6 has just been published and i am not dissapointed. I am so excited for halloween and the photo story they have in the issue has just heightened that excitement! Hurry up autumn!

Babiekins is a free online magazine. Elle has actually been featured on the "meet my babiekins" page! Very proud mummy here! Go and have a little read :)



  1. Oooh, love that teepee photo...

  2. Super cute!!! I have never heard of Babekins. Definitely will check it out.

  3. Okay, I am not even a mother (yet) and this is enticing. I love love love the fall shots.

  4. Hey, just like Carly, I'm not a mom yet - hope it doesn't take too long for that :) Loved the pictures, love your blog


  5. I'll have to check this magazine out. It looks amazing. The photography is breath takingly gorgeous!

    In our sea of love



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