Thursday 28 July 2011

That's sew lovely v.1

Yesterday, i made my first EVER piece of clothing! I was/am so proud of myself.

I have always wanted to make clothes for the girls and for myself but never ever understood the concept of sewing or sewing machines. i could read books every day about different stitches and different techniques and hemming and turning up and patterns but i just didnt grasp it atall. My lovely grandma bought me a really great sewing machine for my birthday and my lovely aunty bought me some books that teach me everything i need to know and have some really wonderful patterns in to make clothes. I picked out a bloomers pattern, my aunty came over and we had a sewing day. She was REALLY patient with me as i just didnt understand but she showed me what to do and how to work my sewing machine and by the end of the day, i had made my first pair of bloomers and now i understand alot more and feel alot more confident at sewing and using my machine. 

So i made these bloomers for Elle and they are a tiny bit big for her in waist and leg length and width but she will grow! I am going to be starting on a pair for Mia this evening and then make up some bunting with the scrap material left from the bloomers. I think i have found a real passion here! i am so excited to make things up for the girls! Mia and i went to the charity shops today in hunt of more fabric and came back with some lovely floral curtains which i will use for maybe a dress and frilly pants set.

It feels like a whole new world has opened up! 

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  1. These are so lovely, Keri-Anne. You did a great job. I'll look out for Mia's bloomers next!

  2. Whoa, those are adorable! If you decide to make them for adults, I would really buy a pair. I've been looking for a pair to wear under a frilly dress, and those would look adorable with my dress!


  3. awww, so lovely!!! I hope one day i can knit and make clothes for any little ones i have too. it must feel so wonderful!
    elle looks absolutely adorable in them

  4. Wow good job! I love little girls' clothing and I think it would be so fun to create my own. I dont know if I would have the patience for it though. By the way- I am a new follower and found you on top baby blogs!

  5. I love the picture of you at the sewing machine! Looks like something I'd hang up in my house or something!

  6. Good job, girlie! Those are adorable!!

  7. You look so full of concentration at the sewing machine - reminds me of myself!
    Great first go, to end up with such pretty bloomers. Love the fabric you used too.
    It's so much easier to have someone show you rather than try to learn from books isn't it. I hope to learn more from my mam when things are easier for us both health wise next year.
    Btw thank you for adding my box link to your sidebar - really appreciate that
    Love kat xx

  8. So cute! Well done, I know exactly how you felt seeing your little girl wear the clothes you made, pop over to my blog for a peek at an easy skirt pattern :-) x



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