Monday 18 July 2011

Sponsor my blog: FOR FREE!

I have been writing in this blog for four months now. I am so greatful to everyone who read and comment and write such lovely words for me. I know i am only a small blog at the moment but i would love to give back to my readers. 
Starting in August, i would love to offer sponsorship ad places on my sidebars FOR FREE 
I have met some lovely people through setting up this blog and i would love to show off other blogs so others can meet more wonderful people in this blog world!
If you would love me to put your blog button on my page then please email me at
I will also do a post at the beginning of the month where i shall showcase the blogs.

Exciting Exciting :)



  1. I would love to have a button on your blog darling.
    There are some on my blog (left hand side at the bottom) in different sizes. I have your new one at mine in the children's list xx
    Also you know our chat about photo editing, there's too which allows you to add text really easily, but maybe you already know this :)
    Sweet dreams to you & the fairies
    Kat x

  2. I too would love to be on your page! Mine are on the left of my blgo as well! Your girls are dolls! :)

  3. I'm new to your blog. I found it through the Easily Amused Mommy blog. Looking forward to reading yours. Beautiful girls you have!

  4. I don't have a blog button - I am sure I really should... must get that done soon!
    But you already stole my header and copied it! Does that make me a "free sponsor"?
    Love you sweetie xx

  5. Yes aunty it does :) I stole it so people can see your lovely blog too x

  6. How sweet, feel free to pop my little bloggy in your sidebar :-) Thank you, it is a lovely idea.

  7. Ooooooh, it's too good a deal to pass up! Only, I don't have a shop! ;0)

  8. hi Jamie, its your blog i will advertise. i shall add you up too xx



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