Saturday 2 July 2011

sister love

my beautiful sister and i. She is my best friend.
We had a lovely day today. We walked along the water and went for lunch. Me, her, her boyfriend, my husband, my two little ladies and her little lady. I love days with her. My mum doesnt like it when we get together as we revert back to crazy kids! She makes me laugh more than anyone else in this world. We were forever getting in trouble as kids for giggling so much at the dinner table over nothing!! I would just look at her and i would start and then she would start and everytime we looked at each other and saw the other trying not to laugh, it would set us off even more!
So this is her. Second in line. I am the eldest of 6 with the youngest being 3 (and me being 25 next week!).
And i love her lots.

1 comment

  1. So sweet! Wish I had a sister...but I wouldn't trade my brother for anything!




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