Thursday 30 June 2011

Happy aniversary to us

Today is mine and my boys 4 year wedding anniversary. I remember our wedding like it was yesterday. The most romantic day of my life!
I want to thank him for four beautiful years as his wife and for giving me two beautiful little girls. I am so excited about all the future years to come!

He bought me a camcorder!! i feel so lucky. He earns all the money whilst i stay at home with the girls so i didnt have alot to buy him much. I do love him!!! i am so excited to capture EVERYTHING on this new camera. No body will be safe now.

Gilles has to work today until very late at the theatre so we are not having a day together. Our first anniversary was such a wonderful day. I set up a treasure map for Gilles to find me at a secet location and then i met him there with a picnic and a huge Elle bump.

I could write and write about our wonderful days and adventures and about how our future might plan out. I love having night conversations in bed with him about buying a farm and having puddleducks and chickens!

Gilles, i love you with all my heart.

p.s Dont forget about the GIVEAWAY


1 comment

  1. Happy (belated) anniversary.
    i'm so glad Gilles brings you so much joy & love - you absolutely deserve it!



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