Wednesday 4 May 2011

a few little treasures

There are so many things i would love to buy the girls. I wish i had all the pennies to get them. I wanted to put together a little wish list and to show you all some lovely items i have come across:

I mentioned in my previous post about the troubles i was having feeding Mia. Well, someone has heard my prayers as for the last two days - i have managed to get atleast two hours in between feeds (which are last around 45 minuets!). Also, last night she was asleep by eight and only woke up at one for a feed then woke again at six but after a feed, she went straight back down and i had to wake her at eight to take Elle to nursery. i am shocked! i just have all my fingers and toes crossed that this continues.

Today was a lovely day. Elle was at nursery and Mia and i spent the afternoon thrifting in the local charity shops. I have a little obbession with finding old nighdresses and cutting them shorter and adding a belt to form a lovely summerdress. Today, i found three floral nightdresses which are now summer dresses! Mia slept the whole time in her moby wrap. It was so lovely being able to browse the shops without the big tandem double buggy! i darent even go into a charity shop when i have both girls in the buggy!

Here are a few more photographs of Elle in the bluebells the other day.




  1. Lovely items - I should have a wish-list too!

    The photos of the girls, that you've been posting, are all gorgeous - you are such a great photographer!

    Sounds as if you had a really lovely day too - and it's good that Mia has settled down for a bit, to give you time to sleep! She may have been growing (or getting fatter before growing!) - babies often grow in spurts and then they are hungry all the time. Happy resting!

  2. I love the shabby-chic organic look of the items on your wishlist! I'm expecting my first daughter in a few months, and I can't get enough of nursing and sleeping stories from other moms...I feel like I'm a sponge soaking up training!! I'm following from the ALex Blog hop now! I'd love for you to stop by!

  3. hooray! that is wonderful news! your blog is so lovely, and all the photographs of your little fairies. hope you get some more restful nights!

  4. These are beautiful photos. You have such a gorgeous photo collections. I found you from the Alexa blog hop! So nice to meet you.

    Crunchy Frugalista



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