Thursday 19 May 2011

8 weeks

Mia is 8 weeks today. She is 10lbs 4ozs. Today, we had her injections. One in each leg. My gosh, i was so nevous all day. I have been through it all with Elle but it doesnt make it any less heart breaking knowing that your little baby is going to be jabbed with needles! I couldnt believe her reaction whilst having them done. Her daddy held her tightly whilst i stood in the corner in utter tears! She had her first jab. no crying. no screaming. nothing! Then the nurse said the second one will sting her (cue me crying more!) and she will probably scream. Nope! She had her second one and then broke out in such a lovely smile to the nurse. I just couldnt believe it. i scooped her straight up, telling her how brave she is and turn put her back in the moby wrap so she could sleep. I am so so proud of her. She is such a sweet little girl. She is sleeping so tighty now next to me in her basket.

I am really enjoying having this new journal. i have come across such lovely mummies recently and i love reading all the new blogs i have found. This is very new to me and i am excited to see where this blog will be in a years time. And also, the excitement of being able to read back and remember these days with the girls and have my heart burst at all the photographs.
I hope to be able to get to know so many new people through this blog. I am trying my hardest to make it look all lovely and i am excited about a banner that will be made me for shortly.



  1. I found you through the linky-thing at Spearmint Baby. LOVE the ethereal quality of your blog! FOLLOWING YOU!

    I have a 4 week old baby - #3 in our family. Injections are NO FUN.

    Julia @ Baker Hill Homes (I'm listed as interior design for real families on the linky list...

  2. I love the two pictures at the end. So peaceful. I'm missing those early-baby-days. Last night, eating dinner on our balcony, I heard a newborn crying, and melted. SIgh.

  3. Stopped by from the blog hop. Wow. Beautiful pictures. Nice to meet you :)

  4. Nice to meet you, nice blog!
    Your baby girls is so sweet and adorable!
    Injection are not fun, I'm still afraid of them :( but my daughter (7) it's so brave, just like little Mia! :)

  5. OMG. Mia is such a doll! My baby was not so quiet with those first vaccines, but the second round she was a champ. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. I'm loving this new blog!
    What a brave little girl Mia is!! Glad to hear all was ok with your needles.



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