Sunday 14 June 2020

We moved!

I am so happy to finally be able to write that we have moved. It has been such a long time coming but we are in our second week of our new house now. Boxes have been unpacked and thing are starting to look homely and cosy. 

I will be sharing lots more about the house, showing photographs of the rooms and sharing more about the renovations. I haven't had access to my laptop for the last couple of months as much as I gave it to Mimi for her home schooling but we have managed to find her another one so I finally have mine back and can blog again!

As I wrote above, I shall be sharing lots about the renovations but I wanted to share abit more about some of the plans we still have to do. The renovations and move happened during lockdown so we were not able to source as much for the house as we wanted. There were lots of companies still home delivering but we were not able to get everything so we put alot of things on a to do list for when we moved in as we could do them whilst still living in the house.

The garden

I wrote a whole blog post on the garden and our plans. We have managed to tuft alot of the areas that were bare. We have also started the cottage flower border and Gilles managed to source some slabs and sand from a free site which we picked up last week. He has put them down in the garden, ready for the greenhouse to go on. I will be doing an updated post on the garden renovations. 

The floors

Our original plan was to expose the wooden floors throughout the whole house but when we lifted the old carpets, a lot of the boards were damaged. We tired to take some from the bedroom and bring them down to the living room to at least have one room which had the original boards but there were too many that were damaged. We decided to put laminate down instead and we will eventually get old floorboards in the future. It took so long for me to decide what floor I wanted and the downstairs floor isn't the colour I really wanted but we were able to find a huge lot of some flooring that was available during lock down and so we had to settle for that. We are looking to change it soon and I love the solid wood flooring look. This look will be throughout the hallway and the kitchen also. We have a lovely country kitchen now and the solid wood flooring will look wonderful!

The stairs

We painted the stairs white for when we moved in but have quickly realised that it is not a practical colour for somewhere with a lot of traffic! I am constantly cleaning them so we have decided to order a stair runner. We have gone for a biscuit brown colour and I cannot wait to have them on so I am not having to keep cleaning the stairs.

The front garden

Our front garden is also a drive. The house has some hanging basket hooks on it and we have a strip along the side of the drive for flowers. I have lots of wild flower seeds that I have gathered as well as poppy seeds so I am going to scatter these down the strip with a few hollyhock and foxglove seedlings. I will be adding lots of pots in front of the house and have some hanging baskets. I also would love some roses to climb up the front of the house. 

This house will be a work in progress for the next few years. I have so many ideas and things I would love so Gilles is going to be kept very busy!!

(this is a collaborative post)


1 comment

  1. How exciting. I hope you are happy in your new home. It sounds like you have already done loads and have some fantastic plans x



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