Thursday 31 October 2019

Autumn in the Cotswolds

This week, we went on a beautiful and autumnal roadtrip to the Cotswolds with our best friends. We did the same last year, but we went too late in the season to see the red and gold ivy on the cottages and, this year, that is what I really wanted to see. There were so many chimneys smoking and deep red ivy and then the mist rolled in.

I wanted to share some of my favourite images that I took. These are all from my phone. I did take my big camera and really wanted to use it but the villages can get quite busy so i just wanted to take the shots as quickly as possible. I think the first photograph in this post is one of my favourites I have taken in a long time. The colour and Mimi's amazing pose she did made my heart beat so fast when I looked back at it!


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