Monday 18 June 2018

The rose garden

David Austin rose gardens. I have wanted to visit them for a few years and, on Saturday, the girls and i took an early road trip to them. It was the dreamiest of dreams and I was in heaven just wandering around and looking at all the roses. My husband had asked me to pick out some of the roses that I would like for my birthday so I was taking note of the ones that really made me swoon!

The gardens actually filled up quite quickly. Even though we got there at opening time, it became quite busy and I wasn't feel well at all with a horrid cold and chesty cough. The girls and I decided to take a little walk down the lane and happened to come across an opening into the rose trial fields! Oh my actual goodness! Rows and rows and rows of roses! Rows beyond what I could see! I was in heaven and the smell was like nothing else. I couldn't believe that I was standing in a rose field!

Elle wasn't feeling too well either and my chest was starting to hurt so we decided to walk back to the car and drive the nearly two hours home but I have been dreaming of it ever since and wishing to go back before the roses fade.

1 comment

  1. Oh, how LOVELY that you got to go there! I love my David Austin Rose Catalog. And the David Austen section at our local nursery. I can't even imagine their entire garden! Thank you for the lovely photos. Sorry that you didn't feel very well...I'm going to paste in my herbal cold remedy tea below in case I haven't sent it to you before. It works within hours. Only two flu viruses have managed to survive it here in the last 2.5 colds whatsoever.

    Rose Hip Tea
    COLD REMEDY: Drinking this once on the day you first feel a cold coming on will make it disappear by the next day. If it’s particularly stubborn, drink this once per day for two or three days. If you already have a cold, drinking this once in the morning and once in the evening will chase it away within a few days. It also works for bronchitis, allergy “colds,” and sinus infections. (We haven’t had occasion to try it with pneumonia, but, as it seems to clear up respiratory problems, it would probably help.)
    · 2 cups water in Pyrex measuring cup
    · 1 heaping tablespoon cut, dried rosehips
    · 7 or 8 allspice berries, coarsely broken with mortar and pestle
    · 1 star anise

    1. Bring all to a boil in the microwave. Watch closely, as it easily boils over.
    2. Remove from microwave, cover measuring cup with tinfoil, and steep for 15 minutes.
    3. Strain tea through a fine tea strainer to remove any hairs or seeds from the rosehips.
    4. Add a few drops of vanilla extract and whatever sweetener you like (honey or stevia), if any. Drink while warm.



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