Wednesday 9 November 2016

Movember week one

Tuesday marked the end of week 1 of the Movember challenge i am doing with Sara-Jayne. You can read about our challenge, what we are doing and why we are doing it here.

Last week, i beat my daily goals every day and really pushed up my miles. I have been for a few walks in the forest and i also spent two days walking around London. I have been using the Jawbone UP2 to track my miles and i love being able to see how active i have been and push myself to walk more to up those steps. It has also been really interesting to see my sleeping pattern!

So my miles for this week have added up to 26.5 miles! My goal is 10.5 miles a week and, as you can see, i have smashed my goal for this week so i am super pleased and that one step closer to reaching the distance between Northampton and Southampton!

I would love if you could sponsor/donate. You can see my page here.


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