Monday 7 November 2016

Mini creative films

I have been making mini creative films since before the girls were born but i haven't really talked about my passion for them here on my blog. I have recently been looking through my old youtube channel which has my very first (and rather shaky) films on. I would film my hair floating in the bath, glitter in teacups, paper boats on the water and bubbles floating around the room. I would spend some of my days just walking through meadows and forests with my camera and just film what i thought was beautiful. The films are not great quality but i still love to see how my imagination worked in those years.

My filming style is pretty much the same now but i have my girls to film and i have upgraded my camera so i am able to experiment a lot more and i have better quality films at the end of it. Since the girls were born i have filmed a number of mini creative films of them but i found (and still do) it a struggle to film and take photographs at the same time and i would normally just stop capturing footage and just take photographs but, more recently, i have gone out with them with the intention of capturing film and if i managed to get any photographs as well then that was a bonus. With my filming of the girls, i just let them explore and get on and i just film around them. I love to capture movement and i love to capture light.

Over the last few months though, i was really struggling with trying to find my place with my filming. I was seeing more and more people doing vlogging and i felt i wasn't relateable in that sense. I wasn't talking to the camera or just capturing the ordinary moments but then i had some wonderful feedback on my latest videos from people saying how it is very much like my Instagram account has come alive and how my filming is an extension to my photography and that is exactly what i want it to be. I am a story teller. I love to tell stories through my photographs and i feel that film is just another part of that. It shows the story around the photos that i share and, also, my two girls have these films of them to look back on forever now. I feel like i have found that place and, yes it is different, but it is my style and i love to capture magical moments. I love to be able to step out and push myself more and more with my filming. I enjoy it so much and i especially enjoy the editing part as i see it all come together. Selecting the music and seeing the memories i have of that day come to life.

I would love to take my filming further and start being able to make films for brands. I also want to make longer films with more of a story rather than just capturing spontaneous moments. I have so many ideas and so many wonderful pieces of music i have found that i would love to use. I want to step out even further and film more and more. Not just the girls but maybe take myself out to the forest and film that. Today, i am heading to the forest to film something slightly different which i hope all goes well with! I have been running it through my head for weeks now and it is actually for a brand so i hope it do it justice.

I haven't shared my old youtube channel in along time but if you did want to take a peek at my very early videos, you can see them here. I wanted to share just some of my favourite mini creative films that i have taken below and i cannot wait to film more and more. You can see all of my mini creative films over on my gingerlillytea youtube account here.



  1. I think your early videos look fab - really beautiful. Love the music used too. It is really soothing to watch :)

    1. Thank you so much!! I am so glad you like them :)

  2. Beautiful and inspiring! It seems like a fairytale because it is so serene and innocent!

  3. Your films are simply beautiful and you always pair them with perfect music x

  4. Aaah you are a clever sausage!! I love your films Keri-Anne — almost as much as your photos. The music choices are perfect!. Loved hanging out with you last week — look forward to the next time xx

    1. Thank you so much darling!! It was so so lovely x

  5. I love your films, and what I love is that it is your style and that is what will make them stand out best. They are beautiful, so keep doing what your doing.

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie. That means so much :) x

  6. Ah these are just beautiful! I hope you find a way to work with brands making these kinds of film.

  7. I can't get my daughter to stand still long enough to film her! Lovely work :)

  8. Oh I just sat and watched every video lovely, they are so beautiful. I love the mushroom one especially, so beautifully shot and with such lovely music. You are very talented. x

  9. How amazing! It really is like photos coming to life and you can get a glimpse into your wonderful imagination. Keep doing them, they are beautiful and inspiring!x

  10. These are beautiful, like little fairytales. I bet the girls love them :)

  11. I absolutely love your films - they are so beautiful and visually inspiring just like your photography - now subscribed and looking forward to seeing more

    Laura x

  12. So so beautiful and how gorgeous are the girls! Whimsical and magical - fab! x



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