Sunday 20 December 2015

Gingerbread house

Day 20. Let's make a gingerbread house.

Every year, we have a Christmas day with my best friend, Hannah, where we make gingerbread houses. We have made gingerbread houses for the last four years and it is always one of my favourite activities. It can be stressful when the icing doesn't play ball and then roofs under up sliding all over the place but we still love it and, this year, i even got little white mice to live in the house. The girls did think it was a better idea to stick them to the roof and front of the house, but it really is their house so they can decorate it anyway they like.

The first two years, i tried to make the shapes myself but in all honesty, i do like to get the kits and then get extra little things to add onto the house. I did have ideas of doing a little gingerbread village this year but i haven't felt well all week so it didn't quite go to plan but next year, i will start planning it earlier and would love to do a whole miniature gingerbread village for the table centre piece.

You can see our other gingerbread houses over the years here/here/here and here.


  1. Love these, beautiful photos and I could eat those white mice right now!!

    1. Thank you :) Oh, we ate many of them that day! ;) x

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. We loved it :) Our favourite yet :)

  3. Such a cute post that I look forward to each year. :) Love the mice on the roof!



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