Monday 17 August 2015

Cornwall adventures

Yesterday, we arrived home from Cornwall. We went camping for the first time as a family and it was the most amazing little holiday. We haven't had a holiday just the four of us before and we were so excited leading up to it. We nearly didn't get to go as first we had a medical problem with our doggy and then Gilles woke the morning we were supposed to leave with awful flu and spent the whole day in bed! We finally got there though and we have all agreed that it is definitely a trip to remember. On our first full day, we spent the day at Bude beach. Gilles taught the girls to body board whilst i watched from the beach (doing important guarding of out stuff and maybe a little bit of sunbathing). My heart was bursting just watching them in the sea. Gilles works away a lot and it was so lovely for him to have that time with just him and the girls. After the beach, we went on a coast walk and then we all snuggled under duvets outside the tent to watch the meteor shower. The girls stayed up until nearly midnight watching and then went to sleep. When i came back out from putting them to bed, Gilles had laid down a blanket and we just lay on the floor watching the meteor shower together and holding hands. It is one memory i think i will always remember and i hope the girls remember that day too!

We stayed near bude on a little campsite. Our tent was right next to the park which meant Gilles and i could sit outside the tent and watch the girls play. They made so many friends and Elle even started to play with the teenager girls (which then resulted in some very sassy, attitudey moments!). The weather was good apart from two days where it poured but we met with some friends who were camping near by and went to a kids world indoor centre for the day where we played crazy golf, did roller skating and dodgems. It was so much fun and i am glad now of that rainy day as the day was all about the girls and they had the best time! We also got to explore in rock pools in the rain which was fun too!

There were a few places i wanted to visit when we were there. I really wanted to go to Boscastle which wasn't too far away from us and it was just as wonderful as i remember. The girls were not too impressed so we didn't stay long but, afterwards, we went to tintangel castle which made my heart beat so fast. It was so beautiful and we spent a lot of time down on the cove, exploring the caves and jumping the waves. It is one of my new favourite places!

There were quite a lot of places we didn't get to visit because it the girls would have gotten bored so i have a little list for next time we go and i am heading back near here in October with some blogger friends which is going to be amazing! I went to cornwall a lot as a child and i have such wonderful memories and i kept thinking during the whole holiday about which parts of the holiday the girls will remember in years and years to come. We tried to make it as fun as possible and i am in love with these iphone pictures i took!



  1. I really love your photographs. We too, may be going wild camping with our kids soon to Norfolk. We have family in Cornwall, I adore Tintagel and Boscastle, St Nectan's Glen is breathtaking and for someone like you - you could get amazing images there.

    1. Thank you very much Sarah! I haven't been to St Nectan's Glen but it is on my list. Thank you for the recomendation x

  2. Such beautiful photographs! Cornwall is on my to visit list and this has just sold it to me even more!

    1. I am so glad you like them. I haven't been to Cornwall since i was a small girl. We holidayed here a lot but we have always been to Norfolk with the girls. I am so glad i got to go back and cannot wait to explore Cornwall even more! x

  3. I've recently come across your blog and I have to say, you take some of the loveliest photos! I really hope to visit England someday; the scenery there is so beautiful!

    1. Hello, thank you very much for your kind words! England is so pretty. I am so lucky to live here. I hope you get to come here one day too x

  4. These photos are just magical! Cornwall is my favourite place to holiday. We always used to go when I was a kid. The meteor shower camping sounds like a memory to treasure forever!

  5. Stunning pictures but honestly, my favourite is the one of Elle with her missing front teeth! Just so charming <3

  6. Oh wow! I have such a happy, relaxed feeling reading this post! I'm new to your blog and it's wonderful to read this first post: your family is beautiful and it's so obvious how crazzzzily in love you are with them all, it's so nice to be able to read! :D

    You take magnificent photographs: your girls are so lucky to have such a talented mama to capture those memories for them.

    I'm following on Bloglovin'!


  7. Gorgeous! It looks like the most perfect getaway. I love the photos so much x



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