Wednesday 6 May 2015

Japanese book feature

Back in October, i was contacted by a writer from Studio Dunk in Japan who wanted to use some of my images and DIY's for a new book they were publishing. Of course i said yes and a month ago, this amazing book dropped through my door. Even though it is in Japanese, i got to proof read it in English before it went to print.

I am so proud of my little collection of magazine and book features. The girls have been featured in a few now and Elle is so excited that she is in a book! Not only is she in the book but she is on the front and back cover too. Lucky lady! I hope the next book that the girls will be in will be my own. I am in the very early stages of putting together an idea to pitch and it is quite an exciting time! Hopefully this little idea of mine will work and i will be able to post about my own book one day!


  1. Congratulations! You always have great pictures on your blog. And it must feel great to be able to have them published.

  2. congratulations! and the thought of your own book - so exciting!

    1. Thank you Sarah. yes, it is in the very early stages :) x

  3. This is fab! well done you! xxx



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