Friday 27 March 2015

An Easter breakfast

Easter is one of my most favourite holidays. To me, it is the start of spring and having that gloomy winter feeling finally lifted. It is about Easter egg hunts and pastel crockery and being with family. I love the magic feel it has and the girls being all excited that the Easter bunny has come. The feeling is on par with Christmas but everything seems more sunny and fresh. I have started putting bunches of flowers all around the house to brighten up the rooms.

One of my favourite parts of Easter is sitting around the table with your family. This year, i want to set out a nice breakfast for my husband and girls before we go off and visit family. I love the idea of eating eggs and soldiers together and bringing a little part of the garden inside with fresh flowers in the centre and baked muffins and teacakes as extra special breakfast treats on a cake plate. We are planning on making our birds nests next week so i hope to be able to use them as a feature on the table as well. Do you have any Easter traditions? What are you looking forward to the most? I would love to hear your plans.

(all items from HomeSense)

(this is a collaborative post)

1 comment

  1. I'm looking forward to... finding out what the "secret thing" was, that Uncle brought home in a bag today and scampered upstairs to hide! And... decorating the living room a bit, so it looks pretty... and having my mum, my niece, her husband and little girls over for Easter Lunch!



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