Monday 15 December 2014

Siblings year round up













Siblings for 2014 is over. Looking back through this photographs makes me so proud but a little teary. The love between these two little people is something i will never be able to explain. They hold hands all the time, they are forever hugging each other and when one isn't around, the other will always look for them and ask for them. When we pick Elle up from school, she runs straight to her sister and squeezes her so tight. I am so excited to be continuing this project next year. This project has given me the most amazing opportunity to capture the growing bond between these sisters and to be able to be creative with them and capture them as they are and to capture those giggles and hand holding and squeezable hugs that are just an every day, normal thing for them but the most heart pulling thing for me. I couldn't be more proud of them both!


  1. Oh my goodness, I properly had goosebumps looking at those and welled up a bit! I'm so close to my sister, I can't imagine life without her.

  2. these are so gorgeous Keri-Anne!! Absolutely beautiful photos xx

  3. Your pictures are always insanely lovely. What lucky girls to have each other like that.

  4. These pictures are stunning! Your girls are going to love looking back on these.

  5. These photos are so so beautiful! What an amazing reminder of the sibling love your girls share. X

  6. These are so, so beautiful. I've enjoyed seeing them each month but seeing them all at! I started joining in siblings then failed miserably. I am going to see if I have one for each month though and maybe do a round up too. Love the sister love xxx

  7. Oh my goodness, these are just so so perfect. Each and every one of them melted my heart. Your girls are beautiful, and it's clear to see the love they have for each other. The one of them cuddling by the lake is just so idyllic. Lovely xx

  8. Aww it's so lovely seeing all of your pictures together - and seeing the love between your little girls come through loud and clear!

  9. Adorable! I love their little winter coats in the most recent shots. What a wonderful year of captures xx

  10. These photos are all just absolutely perfect! So gorgeous and dreamy, love them ALL! xx

  11. Oh my! Beautiful! This makes me so look forward to years of taking photos of my girls.

  12. Gosh what beautiful pictures you have taken of them xx

  13. Really beautiful photos, well done for capturing such beautiful images to be enjoyed forever!

  14. Such beautiful photos and what a special bond they have - simply stunning

    Laura x



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