Wednesday 10 December 2014

Siblings {December}

It is December. Month 12. Our favourite month of the year and i think my favourite photographs of the girls so far!

These two never fail to surprise me. Elle's favourite thing to do right now is to hug people by their heads and squeeze them to death! Her poor sister gets the brunt of it but Mia is very good and just let's her now. Occasionally she will pipe up with a "get of my head!!!"

These photographs were taken in the forest. We were on the tree top walk and down below, i spotted a teepee. I eyed it up and told my husband that we couldn't leave until i had found it so when we got back to ground level, we went on an adventure through the brambles to find the teepee. The girls instantly went into play mode. They don't even need to discuss what they are going to play. Elle walked into the teepee and announced it was their house and Mia just followed her lead and went to collect more wood to bring in doors for the fire. It feels like they have created this secret magical world and only those two know about it. Sometimes i feel like they are the same person!

This is the end of this years Siblings but i am excited to start another year next month. I shall be sharing all twelve main images in a round up post soon! I am excited to see all twelve together and seeing how these two fairies have grown over the last 12 months.

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 9 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two  children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Lucy at Dear Beautiful. She is the most amazing mother to BB and BG and her blog is a feast for your eyes! Stay a while and have a long read :) 

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  1. It does look like the two are in a magical world! Lovely captures

    1. Thank you so much. I love these photographs of them x

  2. Fairies is the right word! These photos are almost ethereal!

  3. Such beautiful pictures. It makes me miss being a child.

    1. And me. i wish i had photographs like this with my sister when i was younger x

  4. Absolutely stunning photos of your little ones. I am in awe of all your photography on instagram. Loving seeing all the siblings posts each month over the last year of everyones so emotional to see them grow up so fast. Lovely post. #siblings

  5. Absolutely stunning photos of your little ones. I am in awe of all your photography on instagram. Loving seeing all the siblings posts each month over the last year of everyones so emotional to see them grow up so fast. Lovely post. #siblings

  6. Your photos are so magical-looking. The light is ethereal and your girls look like they have come straight from an Edwardian picture book. Beautiful x

  7. I love your photos, completely magical x

  8. Oh there's something special about these photos - there's a lovely sense that if I took my eyes off them for a minute they might just disappear! Definitely ones to treasure and ones to frame!

  9. Love these! Especially the one where they are both looking at the camera, outfits are amazing too! xx

  10. Just so beautiful- your photography never fails to take my breath away. Elle's hair has got so long! x



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