Saturday 10 May 2014

Siblings {may}

For these photographs, we went to both of the girls favourite places. Mia is a water baby. If you put her near water, she will find a stick and she will get her fishing on! She has the sweetest imagination and pretends she is catching baby fairy fish. It is like she belongs there, at the ponds. Elle loves it too, of course, but Mia just goes into her own world and wants to get in the water so much. I will be glad when the weather is warm enough for me to be able to say yes to her and she is so desperate to paddle in the water with her fishing sticks.

Elle is a flower girl. She calls herself that and she will pick, collect and arrange beautiful bouquets out of any flower she can find. Her new favourite is cow parsley. The woods is full of it on the way home from school and she collects a huge bunch everyday after school. I have started to put them in jars on the table as they look so pretty and then i can refill them with the new bunch she picks the day after. 

Together, these little girls are such free spirits. They are the best of friends and when they play together, their worlds are full of fairies and mermaids and that is what they are. Elle is the flower fairy and Mia is the water mermaid. And i am just so proud to be able to call myself their mama!

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 9 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two  children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Jess's blog "Along came Cherry". Her blog is full of beautiful crafts, beautiful photography and two beautiful children!! If you haven't read Jess's blog before then you are in for such a treat :)

dear beautiful


  1. Just so pretty - Spring Siblings x

  2. Another collection of gorgeous photos. You are lucky having such a good setting for them too!

  3. Stunning pictures. I love how close they are.
    My Emmy also goes fishing sticks

  4. So beautiful. Love the cuddles x

  5. This is so lovely. It is a great album! I should really do it with my kids too.

  6. Such beautiful photos, its lovely to see how close they are. I hope one day A will have a sister or brother to share the bond with x

  7. So beautiful I love them, both are so cute. last photo is my favorite.

  8. A beautiful post and gorgeous photos. I love that Elle picks flowers everywhere and makes her own bouquets - so sweet and so intuitive.

  9. Always love your pictures every time i visit your blog .x

  10. Gorgeous photos of your girls hugging and exploring in such a stunning location. Wish there was somewhere as beautiful near me. I might just need to do some exploring of my own. lol Your photos are always so creative and stunning every time I stop by. I love your blog. #siblings

  11. Such gorgeous photos and it looks like a beautiful place too. They really do look like they are great friends.

  12. Breathtaking pictures huni. Your babies are real life fairies, so beautiful with amazing spirits x

  13. What wonderful pictures. A sibling relationship really is a special one, and what a great way to celebrate it.
    Love Vicky

  14. What beautiful images - such a pretty setting!

  15. Awww, as always such pretty and whimsical photographs - I love the ones of them cuddling, just precious! x

  16. Adorable!! They look like two pretty little real life fairies!

  17. I love this linky, must get organised and take some photos!

  18. A mermaid and a flower fairy sounds like the perfect description of two little nature-loving girls! I think these may be my favourite of all your siblings photos so far, I just love the ones of them having a hug by the pool.

  19. What a lovely picuters! I should take one with my little brother ;)

  20. Please tell me they squabble like sisters do.....they always seem so happy and loving

  21. Absolutely stunning, such beautiful photos and thank you so much for your lovely words about my blog :) xx

  22. Gorgeous photos of gorgeous girls - your photos make me feel a little bit like I'm looking at a magical scene.

  23. These two just keep getting sweeter. :) You are so lucky to have such wonderful little girls.

  24. Beautiful - just love the last photo!

  25. You're so lucky to live near such a magical looking place. Your photos are always gorgeous :)

  26. Oh that picture of them by the water is just gorgeous. I'm totally new to making my photos better and I always forget to frame them like this - beautiful!

  27. Beautiful as always darling, you make the place you live look so magical and amazing. x

  28. the cutest sisters, wonderful photos as ever x

  29. These are stunning photos, the background is amazing and I'm slightly jealous, I wish we had somewhere as beautiful to go and catch the baby fairies! #siblings

  30. Aww, such adorable photos. It's lovely that they are so close.

  31. Their relationship is just adorable, they look so close and loving in your photos. It's so sweet to see. x



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