Tuesday 1 October 2013

Let's have an adventure V

I wrote last week about how we discovered this "magic wood" right by Elle's school. We have been visiting it most days after picking Elle up from school. Elle has started a nature journal and asked me to get her some new pencils and bring it with me so she could do her drawings and stick in her collections from the woods.

Even though it is just a wood, it seems like it is just ours. We haven't seen anyone else in there and when the three of us are sitting in there, it feels like we are millions of miles away from any body else. The girls are getting to know it and Mia likes to watch the stream, whilst Elle likes to walk along the fallen trees. I can see Mia becoming just like her sister. Yesterday, she asked me to make her a fishing rod so she could fish in the stream. Next time we go, i shall remember string so i can set one up for her and then when it is warmer, they can paddle in the stream with their nets, looking for minnows.

We are excited to see how the wood changes over the next few months now that spring is coming. We cannot wait for it to turn green and lucious and i am looking forward to watching the changes with the girls and talking about all the new transformations the wood is going through.

"let's have an adventure" is a bi-monthly link up posted on the 13th and 26th of each month. You can share old or new adventure posts with us. We would love to have you join us and help us create this wonderful community of fellow adventurer's!!!!


I would love to introduce our co-host for this month. Today we have the lovely Aby from You baby me mummy. She is sharing a post over on her blog so please go and have a little look too :)



  1. Love these photos sweetie. Maybe you could do the fishing rod for Saturday? X

  2. Such dreamy photographs! The woods sounds perfect, and a secret woods.. even better! I love being part of this link up, lots of lovely new blogs to read!

  3. Wow these photos are so magical, just lovely x

  4. OOOH how magical . I have a magical wood that I love to and it is just mine and I know how you feel. x

  5. the woods look magical - your daughter could be a fairy watching the world go by xx

  6. Beautiful pictures as usual. I love the idea of a nature journal......She will have her very own blog before you know it xx

  7. Ahh, loved the bit about asking for new pencils! It looks gorgeous there :)

  8. These photographs are absolutely gorgeous, they have a magical quality.

  9. your photos are always so lovely. love the light in these! so sweet that she's doing a nature journal, and i love the idea of having the whole of the woods to yourselves ..lots of adventuring :)

  10. Such really beautiful photos! I'm jealous of your woods!
    Linked up our adventure :)

  11. What a wonderful place! My brother and I had plenty of access to woodland spaces like this growing up, we would build dens, explore and generally lose ourselves in our woodland adventure. Sadly my children haven't had much access to anywhere like this which feels like their own although we are lucky to a good sized garden. Beautiful photos!

  12. I love your photos. You look like you have so many magical adventures

  13. How lovely to have found your 'wood'... so exciting and almost fairy tale like. Love the photo's and the colour of your little girls hair, it's beautiful x

  14. What a wonderful place to have discovered. I always feel some sort of magic in the woods and just wait until Spring really gets going, there might be primroses and bluebells. The wood nearby to us is always filled with bluebells in the Spring and it is one of my favourite places to go and take photographs.

  15. OMG your photos are just magical!! Absolutely stunning!!!

  16. I love the idea of a nature journal, how sweet.

  17. Some beautiful photos, so dream like and magical!! Wish we had woods like that near us

  18. I love this link up. It's maybe my favourite link up ever! So cute!

  19. Wow your photographs are just stunning!! They're beautiful x

  20. Very sweet photos, magical - just how childhood should be x

  21. Stunning photo's, so magical. Thanks for letting me co-host with you both this week. x

  22. Adore your magic wood. I hope i can see it someday x Such stunning moments lovely lady x

  23. the picture of Elle and her diary is amazing! x

  24. Love the photos makes the wood look even more magical

  25. beautiful photos as always xx

  26. This is a lovely link-up!
    You're photos are beautiful xx

  27. Oh my goodness, these photographs are so magical. I'm reminded of the Virgin Suicides.

  28. Such beautiful photography as always and this wood really does feel magical. I have somewhere similar near my son's kindy and we love to go and just be, in the fresh air. Lovely post

    Laura x

  29. Stunning - a really magical place - I am sure there are fairies hiding behind every log..! ;)
    That photo with the rainbow haze is especially gorgeous.

  30. Absolutely beautiful photography. The girls must enjoy their magical world so much. Thank you fir such a lovely linky

  31. Beautiful shots, that wood sounds amazing.

  32. Lovely place!
    We have our own local "magic wood" as well :-)

  33. More beautiful photos and your family's love for nature is really compelling x



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