Saturday 22 February 2014

DIY: Flower pressed ice bowl

We were recently sent a wonderful craft book called "The girls book of crafts and activities" from Presents for Men. I asked Elle if she would like to pick out a craft from the book to do. She looked through and picked out an ice bowl craft as she had just watched the winter episode of Brambly hedge where they have an ice ball.

We took out all of the girls pressed flowers from the flower press from last summer and set about setting up the bowls and water.

You will need:

Two different size plastic bowls
Flowers/fruit pieces/leaves

1. Fill a bowl with about 2.5cm of water and put in the freezer. Once it is solid, put a smaller bowl on the top of the ice and tape in place.
2.Pour water into the gap between the two bowls. Add the decorations, using a fork to push them down into place.
3. Put the bowls into the freezer for up to 10 hours.
4. Remove the tape and allow the bowls to warm up slightly before sliding out your ready made ice bowl.

(Directions taken from the girls book of crafts and activities)

We have kept our bowl in the freezer for now until, as we didn't want it to melt. Elle goes to check on it every day to make sure it is still ok :)

The girls book of crafts and activities is a wonderful book for any child. It has over 100 things to make and that ranges from crafts to baking to gardening. It even had information on different herbs and spices, how to grow your own veg, to to upcycle furniture and how to trace your family tree. The girls have had a great time flicking through it and i have many crafts from there that i want to try.

We were sent this book for free for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.


  1. So lovely... Back in my teens I worked on the odd occasion for a private London caterer, waitressing at fancy country weddings. She used to make huge versions of these and pile them high with berries, and our hands use to freeze whilst we handed them around! :D

  2. I am glad I found your blog again, you were one of my favourites when I read your blog a few years ago :). That ice bowl is a lovely idea. Here where I live, during the winter, we make ice lanterns, the easiest way is to just put water in a cake mold (the kind that has a hole in the centre) and let it freeze outside. It is such a beautiful sight to see the flickering lanterns in the dark.

  3. Lovely post, I quite like the sound of the book for myself. X

  4. The DIY ice bowl looks pretty a great centre piece I would think. It wold be great in summer piled high with fruit

  5. Ellie is gorgeous! Flower ice bowl looks superb, such a great idea ;)

  6. What a wonderful idea and I love your photography.

  7. great idea - we will have to try this soon x

  8. What a fantastic idea - I want to make one myself now x

  9. What a great idea! It looks lovely and would be great for a party!

  10. That's lovely - I've seen ice cubes with things frozen into them for drinks, but never thought of doing a bowl with flowers! Sounds like a gorgeous book :)

  11. How brilliant! I've always wanted to know how to do this, so thank you for posting, particularly the photos, it has given me the confidence to give it a try. :-)

  12. Such a lovely creation.
    Great idea and fantastic final effect

  13. Fab idea, we were planning on doing this with glasses at some point for tealight holders in the snow! Beautiful pictures

  14. It's a very nice idea and photos are very beautiful, magic!
    pleasant evening and remarkable new week to you!

    Yulya, from Ukraine.

  15. Very creative idea , did something like this when I was a kid.x

  16. Oh this is lovely! And not too tricky too do either, I might give it a go. I think even my boys would like it, not only girls! :D

    anna (intheplayroom)

  17. If you boil the water first, it should freeze clear instead of milky!

  18. How pretty is that, what a gorgeous idea.

  19. That is just so beautiful. And such a lovely idea.

  20. That's beautiful. So simple but really effective.

  21. I love these flower ice bowls - always mean to make one in the summer, but never seem to!

    I recently posted: Winter #LittleAdventures - Fun In The Park!

  22. That's so pretty :) I've thought about making one a few times but never got round to it!

  23. What beautiful photo's. I love the look of that bowl very much. Great crafting!

  24. I am so scared of crafting but this looks truly beautiful x



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