Wednesday 1 January 2014

My hopes

2013 has been a wonderful year. Full of fun adventures and weddings (and a special engagement)I didn'twant to make too many resolutions for this year as I hardly kept any from last year, but I have made a fewhopes instead that I hope might happen so I don't have too much pressure on myself. One of my biggest hopes for this year is to finish writing my Ebook. I am so excited about this as it is a big project that I am passionate about. I will be sharing my tips and advice on how to gather inspiration and step by step from an idea to how to execute the shoot you want and get the final images. I decided against a normal "how to use your camera" type Ebook as I wanted to offer more on how I shoot and my steps up to getting an image I love from an initial idea. I shall be sharing information on the Ebook as the year goes on.

Two weeks ago, I passed my driving test. It is such a life changing thing for me. I live in the town centre and even though we have meadows and woods and a river near us, these places can become rather samey and I often dream of just going exploring in far away woods and discovering new places. Just to be able to pack up a picnic, drive and drive until we find a new place that we want to explore and create memories at. Adventures are so important to me and spending days out in the countryside. Creating these memories and surrounding my children with nature and flower picking and paddling in streams is something I would love for them. This love for adventures coincides with a new project I shall be doing on my blog this year. I am collaborating with my dear friend, Hannah, to bring a bi-monthy link up where we all share our adventures. Whether it be a day out in the woods, or a trip to the seaside or a holiday, anything that you feel is an adventure, we would love you to share with us. We will be asking people to co-host the link ups and I am excited to create this little community of adventure loving people. 

So, I would love to introduce the new project which shall be called "let's have an adventure". You can link up as many posts as you like from that month and visit others to see what they have been up to. It might even give you ideas for your own adventures!! The link ups will be on the 13th and 26th of each month. So let's get memory creating and let's have an adventure!!!!!



  1. Oh, what a great link up plan. There are so many adventures out there waiting for us all.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. Thank you. I would love you to link up some of yours x

  2. What a lovely idea. We are going to be going on a few adventures, starting in a few months but I'll definitely join in.
    I'm so pleased for you passing your test. I passed mine 3 years ago and it changed my life xx

    1. Oh, that would be lovely :) Would love to read about them darling xxx

  3. Ooh yes I'd love to share our adventures - look forward to it :o)

    Happy New Year x

    1. How wonderful!!! thank you, i look forward to reading x

  4. Lovely post and great Linky idea - we're continually going on adventures in the countryside! Happy New Year :)

    1. Thank you, i hope you will link up when it goes live :) x

  5. lovely idea for a new linky! well done also on the driving thing, neither Tom or I drive and whilst I don't think you need to at all living in a city there are sometimes times when I wished one of us did so we could just hop in the car and go somewhere a bit off the beaten track! xx

    1. Thank you darling. Yes, we have everything we need here but i am such a country girl and need to get out of the hustle and bustle. I cannot wait to drive out to meadows and woods in the summer and to the seaside :) x

  6. Great idea for a linky. May the new year bring you many wonderful adventures.

  7. Congratulations on your driving test and good luck finishing your e-book. Great idea for a linky too

    1. Thank you. I am so excited to get my car and go exploring x

  8. Oh that sounds so exciting, an adventures linky sounds wonderful, and an ebook on photo shoot staging sounds exactly what I need! Congratulations on passing your driving test and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you :) I hope you might link up with us :) Keep your eyes peeled for details on the ebook. I am so excited to write it x

  9. I love the sound of this linky. I'm looking forward to lots of adventures this year now my little man is a but older. Congratulations on passing your driving test too, I've only been driving for the last three years but the novelty still hasn't worn off. The freedom is amazing!! x

    1. Oh perfect! I cannot wait to read about yours :) Oh yes, i cannot wait. I haven't managed to drive yet since i passed my test on the 16th of december and get real itchy feet x

  10. What a great idea! Happy New Year! x

    1. Thank you dear :) Happy new year to you too xxx

  11. That sounds like fun!

    Also, congratulations with your driver's license, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your

  12. What a great link up, our family motto is "here's to the next big adventure" so I look forward to taking part. I also hope to get writing this year so fingers crossed for us both x

    1. Thank you. Good luck with your books dear x

  13. that sounds a brilliant idea for a linky, looking forward to hopefully joining in soon!

    1. Thank you dear, would love to have you linking up x

  14. I wanted to wish all the best for the year that is coming. I have kept you and your family in my coonversa with Dad sky. My congratulations on his new conquest, now you can come here at my house to visit me, Brazil is a bit far but if you want can come who will have many good adventures here, right ♥

    1. Happy new year dear! I would love to visit Brazil but i do think it is a little too far. Thank you for all of your support and for reading. You are wonderful x

  15. Well now you can drive you can fulfill that promise and bring the girls my way for a new adventure in a totally new area. :D

  16. I love the idea of an adventure link - we are a bit short on them at the moment but should be a bit more adventurous in the Spring.

    Congratulations on passing your driving test - I remember that meaning an awful lot to me when I managed it.

    1. Ha, thank you for the comment(s) ;) I am glad you like the idea. Would love to have you linking up in spring :)
      Thank you!! It means so much to me but i still have to wait two more weeks until i get my car so i have serious itchy feet ha x

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  18. Oh no....... you have beat me to it.......was planning a linky myself almost identical - shall join in with yours instead x

    1. You can still do it Kara! I will join in yours too :) x

  19. Congratulations on passing your driving test sweet lady! <3

    Jennie xo |

  20. What a lovely idea for a linky, we love adventures in our house so we will definitely be joining in. And congrats on passing your driving test. x

    1. Thank you Katie, would love to have you linking up :) xx

  21. The new ebook sounds great! I wish you the best of luck in not only completing it but marketing it. The linky sounds great too! I'll stop by and check it out!

    1. Thank you so much. I am just in the process of working out the chapters. It is an exciting venture x

  22. That's a lovely idea for a linky - must diarise & get involved. And congratulations on passing your driving test - that's a huge thing! x

  23. Sounds like a lovely linky and I'd love to join in x #ShareItSundays

  24. Great idea for a linky, will have to remember to pop back and link up :-)

  25. What a wonderfully nostalgic idea!! xx

    PS Following thanks to Oh So Amelia Linky, would really appreciate a follow back, if you really wouldn't mind :-) xx

    1. Thank you so much. I am coming over now xxx

  26. Enjoy your new found freedom and all the adventures that come with it!

    1. Thank you so much and thank you for coming by x



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