Sunday 12 January 2014

Let's have an adventure linkup

Today is the very first link up for an exciting new project between myself and my best friend, Hannah. "Let's have an adventure" is a bi-monthly link up that will go live on the 13th and 26th of each month. You can link up any post you wish where you have shared some kind of adventure. We want to make a little community and find new blogs that love what we do. We share a love for adventures and have many and many together. I cannot wait to see all of your posts and get to know you all!!!

Meet Rusty. He is a springer spaniel and we rehomed him a few months ago. At the time, i wasn't 100% on getting a dog. My husband and girls really wanted one so i hoped that if we got one, my mind would be changed. We found Rusty and my husband went to pick him up. As soon as he came back with him, i felt so overwhelmed and didn't really know what to do. Instead of that instant urge to cuddle him and fuss him, i just fought back the tears and took myself upstairs to bed. The next few days, i just didn't know what to do. My husband knew i was upset but i felt so guilty and ashamed that i felt that way and really didn't want to. I sat down and tried to work out why i felt like this. I came up with a few thoughts and sat down and talked it through with my husband.

The truth is, i have a problem with control. I admit now that i have had a problem with eating disorders since i was 11. I get bad anxiety when i don't feel in control of a situation but i have learnt how i work and what i need to do and work hard to keep a little control and routine in my everyday life and i seem to be able to keep it all under control most of the time. Elle had just started school and our best friends, who were also our neighbours, had just moved to the other side of the world. I had spent days and days blitzing my house and had finally just gotten into a routine with the school run where i felt ok and i was so happy with how things were going. And then this huge dog bounced into my living room and i just choked and couldn't get to grips with such a sudden change. I spoke with my husband and we decided that we would rehome Rusty but, secretly, i wanted to keep him and get over my anxiety about the situation. I think Rusty knew i was feeling funny towards him and he would look at me with huge sad eyes and would snuggle with me in bed when Gilles worked in the evening. We started to have a bond and he actually started to help me get over my anxiety. So here we are now. He is very much "my" dog. He follows me around and listens to me more than my husband. I feel so awful with how i felt towards him but it was never ever about "him". It was the sudden change and upheaval that i struggled with. I wanted to share my story in case it helps anyone else feeling similar.

We love our dog walks and he is such a water dog. I can see Rusty coming on many of our adventures with us! So now it is your turn to link up! We want to see your adventures!!!



  1. Rusty looks gorgeous! So glad you managed to sort through your feelings around him, and look forward to seeing him on more of your adventures. Lovely idea for a linky, too x

  2. This is an awesome idea :) Your photography is really beautiful! Hannah x

  3. I love this idea and those photos have put a great big smile on my face. My heart goes out to you as a fellow person with control issues, after a few years I feel I've finally just come to grips with eating disorders and settling into routines but it's still so hard for me to be creative without being too hard on myself when things don't turn out perfectly! I'm glad things worked out though, they usually do once we take a moment to take a look at the situation properly. x

    1. Thank you emily and thank you for sharing your story too. I was nervous to write it but I like to be honest and wanted to share my experience x

  4. It's great that you recognise some of the things that have been making your life difficult; you've identified the reasons and you're dealing with them. Some people never get that far, I think you're doing well and are a stronger person than most. x

    1. Thank you so much. It has taken me many years where I can feel I can be honest about it instead of hiding away. That means a lot to me x

  5. What gorgeous pictures! Anna J. x

  6. These are such beautiful pictures! Thats lovely that Rusty has helped with your anxiety and how you have developed a bond with him

    1. Thank you. Yes, I honestly didn't think I would have a complete then around x

  7. Rusty is such a handsome doggie! Fab shot of him shaking off the wet! As I mentioned, we really struggled settling in our Springer, but she such an vital part of our family. Hubby still struggles. He is a computer programmer and can't understand why he can't program her and the kids to react how he expects. It's an certainly is an adventure!

    1. It really is an adventure learning to let yourself go a little and I am so happy that I finally let go off my anxieties. X

  8. ps: I would like to have the adventure button on my post to share, but I can't find how to do this?

    1. You can copy and save the image and upload or to a blog post. On the next link up, I will add a html code for it x

  9. Great idea and it does look a great adventure. I do love red clothes in pictures at this time of year too.

  10. wish we are as adventure as you are! We are so lazy at the moment!

    1. That is one of the reasons I started this link up so I have no reason not to go out x

  11. I love and crave adventure.

    beautiful pictures!

  12. I love this idea - one of my 2014 goals is 'more adventures'. I have to admit that I felt exactly the same as you when we got a dog (and am I allowed to say I felt the same when I brought my first baby home??). If you struggle with letting go of control, a dog is one of the best things for you!

    1. I actually said to my husband that it feels like post natal depression and I can understand why women can get it so quickly and intense x

  13. Amazingly beautiful photos as always. Great link up, we love having adventures in our family. I would love to use your button for the link up, would you be able to add the code? Thanks x

    1. Thank you so much, I shall be adding the html to the next link up for the button xxxx

  14. What a great idea for a Linky :). I hope that I'll have some posts to link up with you.

  15. Wow. Those photos are absolutely breathtaking. Gorgeous. Totally gorgeous.
    It sounds like a really wonderful idea for a link, and as soon as we get out of hibernation and start having adventures again I will try and join!

    1. Thank you so much and we would love to have you link up :) x

  16. Gorgeous photos as always :) will have to link up with this once I manage to hawk myself outside!!

    1. Yes please! Would love to see your posts. X

  17. Gorgeous photos. I love this linky and will be linking up. :-) Thank you for being honest about your feelings when you got Rusty. While I haven't had the same problems, I sometimes freak out about something but then look at the situation and realise that my freak out was caused by lots of different things and not the actual "something" so I know what you mean. xxx

    1. Thank you Claire. I wanted to be honest as I am just proud of myself for sticking with it and achieving something from this x

  18. You've got some lovely photos here. Don't think we have had any adventures of late :-) Maybe by the time the next linky goes live!

    1. One of the reasons I set this up was so that it motivated us to get out. I'll look forward to toj joining up x

  19. Gorgeous photos and a great idea for a linky x x

  20. Well done for working through this and not taking the easy way out. Animals can be great therapists - I speak from experience. I too struggle with eating disorders and would never have got through my adolescence were it not for my best friend Jess, a golden Labrador.
    I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

    1. Thank you for sharing. I really couldn't imagine it without rusty now x

  21. More gorgeous photos and love this idea.

  22. Rusty looks awesome and I love the photos! Had just posted an adventure post so have linked up too :)

    1. Thank you so much for linking up!!!! Xxxxx

  23. I'm so happy Rustie is part of your life now, dogs can bring so much calm and joy. your adventure looks beautiful x

    1. Thank you Lori. He is wonderful and I am so glad I stuck through it x

  24. Beautiful photographs, really stunning.

  25. Aww he's lovely! I don't know if I could have a dog either because of the mess and responsibility.I hope he brings lots of pleasure to your family.

    1. It is hard but I have tried to think of the positives x

  26. I'm glad you got over your anxiety. Your photos are stunning, I especially love the one where Rusty is covering your gorgeous girl with water :)

  27. Rusty is such a sweetie - and I love that he is helping you get over your anxiety and control issues. I suffer with both myself, and it's nice to know that I'm not alone. It takes real strength of character to face the things that make you uncomfortable head on, and I really applaud you for that. I need to start venturing outside of my comfort zone myself, so this post is a real shot in the arm for me - letting me know it's something I need to tackle, even if it's a little at a time. Your little girl is gorgeous and I love her red coat. I love the idea of a 'let's go on an adventure' linkup too. I think I may have to venture out for a mini-adventure myself and join in the fun x

    1. Thank you for sharing that. It is hard but the sense of achievement after is wonderful x

  28. Stunning photo's and Rusty is gorgeous - sounds like he was just what you needed. I do miss having a dog, but too much responsibility for us at the moment! Love your daughters hat and coat too

  29. Wow, thanks for your post. I have eting issues too but I have the opposite thing: I try to be in control and desire controlb ut my emotions run wiht me (I'm formally diagnosed and beint reated for this) and I get really impulsive. I love some dogs too although I used to be phobic for them and am sitll more of a cat person.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I crave control and this is a huge thing for me but the sense of achievement is wonderful x

  30. Wow, beautiful pictures.

    My husband and son want a dog but we live in a first floor flat so I've put my foot down on that!

    1. Thank you. Oh yes, I would have done too! X

  31. aww thats such a sweet story, thank you so much for your honesty. I think I feel similar to you at times so can totally empathise! xx

    1. Thank you dear, it's nice not to be alone. Xxxx

  32. Incredible pics. Looks like a magical scene. Thank you for sharing your challenges and how Rusty has helped you x

  33. Beautiful photos, as always. It's funny how sensitive and intuitive animals can be to our feelings, and how lovely that Rusty has become "your dog", it's like he knew you needed the extra bit of love and support. x

    1. Thank you Lucy. Yes, it is. He is pretty special x

  34. This is such a beautiful idea my sweet :) I love how you and Hannah do it together :) Hopefully i will go on adventure with you both someday :) Oh my heart just fluttered thinking of that.

    Rusty! I have been wondering about your doggie but didn't want to bring up anything negative so i didn't ask. I'm so glad your heart has fallen for mr. R, i know how much of a shock a new idea can be, whether it's a pet, a place or anything at all. So glad you are a happy camper now, love :)


    1. Hello dear! Well i would love an adventure with you, i know that :) Thank you for your sweet words. I shall be sure to write to you all about R x

  35. Ahh...Keri-Anne, I am no stranger to feelings of overwhelm and feeling the need to be in control. Truly. We had a dog but it just didn't work out. He'd climb the table, poop or pee any where, run out the front door with no warning. I had planned to take him to dog training, but I just got so overwhelmed with it all, we had to give him back to the original owners. Rusty looks darling. I love Springer Spaniels! Looking forward to the adventure link ups! xoxo Jen

    1. Hello dear Jen. I can understand that. We have trouble with Rusty pooping and peeing nearly every day and sometimes i get mad but then i am trying to take a step back and figure out why this is happening. It is so hard as i don't want to have to come down every morning to clean it up but i hope it gets better x



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