Thursday 9 January 2014


Phew! It is the second week of January already and i feel like i haven't even finished sorting out from the holiday season! Since my last lately post, there has been lots of going on's to share!

-I passed my driving test! I mentioned this on a previous post. I took my test a week before Christmas and i cannot believe i passed first time! I was so nervous and pulled of twice in reverse instead of second and once in neutral. I didn't have any major faults though and passed! I am getting a car next week which i am so so excited about. I haven't driven since passing my test and i have seriously itchy feet!

-Christmas! I haven't done a post on Christmas really. I didn't take my camera with us and just used my iphone because i wanted to be in the moment as much as possible and not worry about trying to get the best shots i could. I just relaxed and had a lovely time. I was truly spoilt by my husband. He bought me a brand new record player, some new pixie boots and he handpicked two records for me from the vintage store! He bought me a Hans Christian Anderson story book record and the sleeping beauty ballet music record. He did good and is very much a keeper! We spent the day with his family and boxing day with mine. We also had a third Christmas on Sunday with more of my family and it was just lovely to have an extra special day.

-Advent calender activities. We finished all 24 of them and i am already coming up with ideas for next year already! I think my favourite this year was all of us wearing underwear on our heads during dinner! We all had a really big giggle and kept laughing at each other. Very much one for next year :)

-A new dog! We have a new dog. We rehomed him a few months back but i admit now, i have struggled to come to terms with having a dog. I am alot happier about having him now and wanted to talk a little about him. He is called Rusty and is a large springer spaniel. He is SUCH a sweetie and the most silliest dog ever. I am sure he has "small dog syndrome" as he thinks he can fit into the smallest gaps. We all love him and glad he is with us. I shall be sharing some photographs of him soon!

Things are starting to get back to normal now. Elle started back at school yesterday and i have my routine back. I thrive on a routine and even though i am missing Elle, i am glad to be back to normal. Mia has started to ask about nursery and we are looking at putting her in one morning or afternoon a week from april and then let her start longer hours from september. She will get her free funding from april but i am not ready for her to go any longer! I think one session at the moment will be perfect for her so it's not so overwhelming (for us both!). There is a little nursery in the grounds of Elle's school, so we are going to be looking there in the next week to make sure we like it for her.

So next week, i should be getting a car and this whole new world has opened up! I can visit family now and take Mia to some indoor play centres during the day! I just cannot wait!


  1. Well done on passing your test, I didn't do mine until I was in my early 30's as living in London, I just didn't have to before! Lovely pictures as always! :)

    1. Thank you. I wish i had done it years ago but glad i have done it now!! x

  2. Congrats and well done that you passed your test and having a new dog!
    Love your photos!

    1. Thank you. I shall be posting about Rusty on Monday x

  3. Passing your driving test, a springer spaniel and a new record player - that pretty much sounds like the perfect Christmas to me!

  4. Springer Spaniels are the BEST!

  5. But actually, in all honesty, I found having and settling in a new dog was more of a shock than having a baby. Ours is our first dog and we found/find it hard sometimes. Wouldn't change her for the world though!

    1. I have really struggled. I shall be sharing the reasons in a post on monday when i introduce Rusty :) x

  6. Congrats on your driving and hope your new dog is settling in. Some lovely photos, I love all your feet by the fire!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, he is settling in very nicely x

  7. Lovely pics. Wedone on passing your test, it makes such a difference. Love spaniels, they're a little bit bonkers, in a good way :-)

    1. Thank you! Yes!!! HA! Rusty is very crazy x

  8. Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing the dog! :)

    1. I shall be posting on monday all about him :) x

  9. beautiful, beautiful photos and well done on passing your test.

  10. Congratulations on passing your driving test.I didn't take any photos either over Christmas either fr exact same reasons as you.I really want to your new dog :)

  11. Lovely photos - my daughter was given the Sylvanian camp set and caravan for Christmas - currently her favourite toys!

    1. They are a favourite here too! I remember playing with them when i was younger :) x

  12. Wonderful post - love the photos. Congratulations on passing your driving test, that's awesome news. You have a whole world of possibilities now, independence here we come :)

    1. Thank you. I am excited about all the adventures we are going to have and trips to the seaside! x

  13. Wow, you have so much going on! Congratulations on passing your driving test, that's great. I love your photos.

  14. Lovely photos as always. Love the fact you have a doggy now! I would love one! x

    1. Thank you dear. He is a sweetie, i shall be posting about him next week x

  15. Wonderful news, Congratulations on passing your driving test. How exciting a new addition to your little family, I love dogs, they bring so much fun and love to their home. I miss our beautiful labrador Toby, he was 15 when he passed away last year.
    Happy New Year x x x

    1. Thank you :) He is lovely. I had huskies when i was younger and it is lovely to have a dog again. I am sorry for your loss. My mum lost her dog recently also x

  16. Congrats to passing your driving test. Many adventures ahead of u. Great pics. Seems like you had a great christmas. The pics are lovely as always.

    1. Thank you so much, yes lots of adventures! We are all excited by it x

  17. congrats again on passing your driving test, something both Tom and I still need to do! I love your pics. I love to hear about any tips you have on IG, you are like an IG superstar! ;) xx

    1. Thank you! I should have done it years ago and wish i had but i am determined to make the most of it this year and explore new places. HA! I don't feel like i am. To be honest, i started out posting my photography and got my following from there. My followers and likes have decreased since posting photographs of the girls but i like that i am posting about them and don't care about the decrease. x

  18. Congratulations on passing your test - it took me 3 attempts lol.

    1. Thank you so much. I am actually shocked i passed as within 5 minutes, i had made 3 faults. I pulled off in neutral before i even started and then pulled off from the emergency stop and a stop and start in reverse twice!!! it was just nerves but luckily, i had no majors x

  19. Love all the photos, so much family fun in all of them! congrats again on the driving test!

    1. Thank you so much, i am glad you like them x

  20. Congratulations on passing your test! I'm still yet to take mine. Gorgeous pics, loving the misty lake/pond shot and also walking through the leaves. x

    1. Are you taking lessons? Feels like its the best thing i have done! The freedom now is amazing x

  21. Congratulations on passing your test :) The photos are gorgeous xx

  22. Congrats on passing your test. I didn't start driving until I was expecting my first (truth be told I was still waiting for the horse and carriage to make a comeback ;-) ).
    GORGEOUS photos (I think the last one's my fave but SO hard to pick). As your wise daughter obviously knows, there's not much that can't be accomplished with a decent pair of princess pants on your head so all the best for the coming year!

    1. Thank you so much! We have only just started having fires due to our chimney being swept so it is a big thing in our house :) x

  23. Well done on passing your yest - iit really will change your life!

    Gorgeous photos - I love the black and white one of the girls together x x

  24. I feel like I've been spamming your comment sections lately but can't tell you how happy your posts make me. :) If I ever have a family of my own one day, I'd love so much for my arrangement to be similar to yours. I'm inspired by all of the little projects you are constantly coming up with for your girls to take part in and am always glad to see a post of yours come up on my dash. xoxo

    1. Sarah, you are so wonderful and kind. I love your comments so thank you for all of your comments and lovely words x

  25. Stunning pictures......I dreaming of owning a house with a real fire

    1. Thank you Kara. We only found our last week that our chimney was swept and guarded and that we were able to have a fire! We have been here four years so it is a big thing for us! My husband comes home each night, arms loaded with firewood :) x

  26. Your beautiful photographs should be a post all of their own! Your daughter's auburn hair is stunning. Congrats on passing your driving test - freedom at last! PS It took me a long time to come to terms with having a dog too ;)

    1. Thank you so so much!! I just love her hair and thank you, yes lots of freedom! Glad i am not the only one who too time to come to terms with having a dog. x

  27. Well done on passing your test. I passed mine 2 years ago and have a car with a flat battery as I hate driving :) My New Year's resolution is to get back out there!

    1. oh no! You should get back out. I really want to right now but i don't have a car yet and i have seriously itchy feet! Only a week to go until i get one x

  28. Congrats on passing your test again - you will wonder how you ever managed without driving once after a few weeks of being on the road!
    Such lovely photos - the one of the toes lined up in front of the fire especially x

  29. Congrats on passing your test and getting a dog. Lovely photos - I am jealous of those floorboards! x

  30. Well done on passing your driving test - this is SO SO SO something I need to do in 2014!!! I am 40 for goodness sake.... Your photos are AMAZING. I particularly liked the plait on top of her hair AND being a boy Mum it is SO nice to see girls playing with trains/tracks.
    Liska xx



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