Thursday 28 November 2013

This girl

It has been nearly three months now that Elle started school. I have every day at home with this little lady. Before Elle went to school, Mia just followed Elle around and copied everything Elle did and now she has all this time with me to become her own person. She has completely blossomed and i feel like everyday, i am getting to know her more and more. I am learning little bits about her everyday. She is very feisty and stubborn but just so hysterically funny! She is quite a goof and loves to pull faces to make people laugh. She will not sit still at all! She is always busy and playing. She loves being in her sisters room and playing with all the bigger girl things. We are going to get her a dolls house the same as Elle's for christmas. Last week, i heard some banging around in Elle's room at around 3am. I went to check on Elle thinking she had fallen out of bed and it was Mia playing in Elle's dolls house in the dark! She is such a funny thing and loves her dolls and babies and teddies.

I feel like i still don't completely know her and i am excited for all these days together to bond with her more and more.


  1. Being lucky enough to know this little lady I was amazed and delighted to see how much she had grown into her own person last time I visited and how fun I found her personality.

  2. She's a sweetheart. Love her to bits!

  3. She's adorable!

  4. I fell in love with Elles dollhouse so i bought a similar one to my daughter that turned 3 a couple of weeks ago. She loves it. So thank u for showing your great pics and giving me inspirations.
    Beautiful pics as always <3

    1. Oh wow! I am glad I inspired you. We are buying the same one for Mia for Xmas :)

  5. This gorgeous child makes me swoon every time I see her on Instagram. <3 Such a sweetie! xoxo

  6. Mia reminds me so much of one of the little girls I au paired last year.
    Your photos are always gorgeous, and she's a doll - those cheeks! :)

    1. Oh wow! And thank you. I adore her chubby cheeks :) x

  7. That bit where you said you don't feel like you completely know her, I could so associate with that. I still feel like I'm getting to know my children every day, it's an exciting adventure but strange too, to think I grew and raised these little people and yet they are still such a mystery to me. x

    1. Thank you for your comment dear. It's so strange how you can spend so much time with a person and still not know them. It's one of the most exciting parts of being a mummy I think. Discovering more and more about them everyday. Xxx



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