Thursday 19 September 2013

Elle is 5

Happy birthday to my sweet little Elle. 5 years ago, Elle made me a mother. I remember first looking at her. She had gold hair and the cutest button nose! I felt completely overwhelmed and couldn't believe that i actually had a daughter lying on my chest.

I am so proud of Elle.
She is so clever, funny and has the most caring and free spirit. If you ask her what her favourite things are, she will be sure to mention something about looking at flowers and collecting sticks and leaves.
She loves to create and draw. She always does little drawings for people who come to our house.
She loves to imagine up a completely different world and on the way home from school, she will hold an imaginary lead, with an imaginary dog on, all the way home (even tying the dog up outside the supermarket and waving at it through the shop window when we are paying).
I love how she always collects flowers for her Yaya (my mum) every time we walk to her house.
I love that she loves to watch old black and white children's programmes.
She has the sweetest singing voice and makes up little songs every day.

The list could go on and on. She is pretty amazing and i am so lucky to get to be her mum!



  1. Happy birthday Elle. Such a beauty.

  2. Happy birthday Elle!!! She is such a cute, imaginative sweet girl. I also called my grandma Yaya :)

    And what wonderful memories in pictures she will have!

    1. Thank you so very much! I never heard of "yaya" before and my mum didn't know what she wanted to be called so we let Elle decide and she just started calling her yaya so it stuck x

  3. Happy Birthday Elle! Beautiful photos x

  4. Happy birthday to lovely Elle!

  5. have enjoyed seeing this beautiful little lady and the rest of your cute fam on instagram as of late. <3 happy birthday elle!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you like seeing us all :) x

  6. Oh my dear this is just so sweet. Actually made me want to cry a little knowing how much you love her and seeing the timeline of Elle. Too good. :) Love to you all!

    M xx

    1. Thank you sweet M! I loved putting together this timeline of her photos. I went through every photo i have taken of her and it was wonderful. She has changed so much but i can still see her cheekiness in her baby photos x

  7. So fun to see....the bunny ears pic near the top - awww!
    Quite a few I hadn't seen before, since I probably only started to know you when Elle was around 2.
    I remember the one where she's in the buttercups.

    It's a real pleasure watching them grow up.
    And hearing the story about the imaginary dog and her leaving it tied up outside the shop and waving to it, was so touching & made me laugh and cry all at once! She's too cute with her imaginary-ness isn't she!
    I wonder if she will be a writer when she is "a grown up"

    Happy birthday Elle, love n fairy dust from me, kat xoxo

    1. Thank you K!

      It seems so strange that it has only been that short of time. It feels like i have known you a lot longer than that! I am glad you got to see some photos you hadn't seen before. xxx

  8. Ahhh, it was so lovely taking that little stroll down memory lane from Elle as a teeny bubba, right up to now. And seeing pictures of her when she was younger, I can see lots of similarities between her and Mia. Such a gorgeous little girl, I hope her birthday was amazing. x

    1. Thank you Lucy! Yes, i am starting to see the similarities now also. They are so different yet so a like. I cannot wait to see what Mia looks like as a 5 year old with long hair too! x

  9. I loved seeing Elle as a baby as we don't see those photos that often. She is beautiful and happy belated birthday to her x



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