Thursday 22 August 2013

Cupcakes in a jar

Yesterday, we were expecting our neighbours for dinner and i wanted to make them something special. I decided to try out cupcakes in a jar. I have always loved the idea of baked goods in a jar and so i made up some strawberries and cream cupcakes. I am so pleased with how they came out and i am hoping to make these for the little ones at Elle's birthday party.

You will need:

Clean and sterilized jars (i sterilized these jars by putting them in a heated oven and then allowing them to cool completely)
Wooden/plastic spoons. You can pick some some wooden spoons here.
Twine/string to decorate

for the cupcakes:

-225g self raising flour
-225g butter
-225g caster sugar
-vanilla extract
-4 eggs
-pinch of baking powder

-Whipped cream
-Strawberry jam

1. Preheat the oven to 180 C
2. Beat the sugar and butter until creamy
3. Add in the eggs and a teaspoon of vanilla extract
4. Sieve in the flour and add the baking powder. Mix until you have a creamy cake mix.
5. Bake in the oven for around 15-18 mins

6. Once the cupcakes are completely cool. Cut the cupcakes in half, horizontally. I used two bases and one top per jar but you can use more or less depending on the size of you jars.
7. Put a bottom half of a cupcake at the bottom of the jar. Add a dollop of jam on top. I heated my jam up slightly in a pan to take away the "jar shape" of it.
8.Whip up some whipping cream and pipe or scoop in over the jam. Add in some sliced up straberries.
9. I then added another bottom of a cupcake followed by another layer of jam, whipped cream and strawberries. I then added the top of a cupcake.
10. I then finished of the look by wrapping some twine around the top and tying on a wooden spoon for each jar. You can do what you want here. You can add lace, ribbon or anything you want. I wanted to keep it simple but i think i shall experiment for Elle's party by adding lace and glitter.

I hope you like them. Let me know if you make them, i would love to see!



  1. This looks SO delicious. Bookmarking!!

    1. They really are!!! You should try them. Thank you for the tweet x



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