Sunday 14 July 2013

The cricket fete

We went to a car boot this morning and i picked up some more records. We thought Gilles was going away with work today, but it turns out he doesn't have to go until tomorrow so we decided to drive over and surprise our friends, Hannah and Lee, to support Lee at his cricket fete. The girls had the most amazing time. They took part in the races and both girls did the egg and spoon race. Elle then did the hopping race and was the smallest one and just seeing her hop in the race, against bigger kids, made me feel so proud of her! She looked so tiny but hopped so fast and came in the middle of the pack at the finish line, beating some of the other bigger kids!

It was such a nice day and i love documenting these days so the girls can look back and see what they did as they grew up!


  1. Love love love. Love the shot Lee did of us haha. :) can I pinch it? Xxx

  2. gorgeous pictures, the colours are just lovely.
    looks like a good day was had, you're girls look so happy :)

  3. You always doll your girls up like fairy princesses! So in love x

    1. Thank you Mandy. They actually choose their own clothes and i a secretly glad that they both love dresses ha x

  4. It looks like you all had a lovely day. So glad you went over to support the fete and Hannah, thank you.


    1. Thank you Debbie, we had a perfect day and it was so great to spend it with Hannah and Lee :) x

  5. lovely photos! everyone looks so happy prancing barefoot! <3

    1. Thank you. Yes, we love any opportunity to go bare foot :) x

  6. Loveliness :) I always so adore your people pics K. So full of life and beautifully captured. Looks like such fun and you go miss Elle!

    Madlyn xx

    1. Thank you M! It was a great day. Oh, you should have seen little Elle do her hopping race. My heart was beating so fast with pride! She was so excited hopping down the track! x



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