Sunday 10 March 2013

These faces

These faces. Elle Kate Louise and Mia Isobel. Today, i am so so thankful for them. They lift me up everyday. If i ever feel down, these two are always smiling away and i soon forget anything that is bothering me. Elle has the biggest smile. She always has. That mouth is like a baby birds! Her cheeks turn red and her eyes sparkle. She is infectious! Then Mia, the cheesiest grin there is! Her eyes screw up. He nose screws up and she sticks her head up to make you laugh even more. She has the sweetest chuckle!

Elle has the dearest little freckles. She calls them fairy kisses. She loves them. I love them. I hope Mia gets little freckles too. They are like a scattering of glitter over her cheeks and nose. More and more pop up each day. I could write all day about every single inch of their faces and skin. I just love taking them in everyday and discovering new little parts of them. My two little fairies.



  1. Such stunning photos of the two fairy sisters
    Beautiful!! xx

    1. Fairy sisters. I love that. Thank you sweet K x

  2. These photos are just absolutely beautiful -- what sweet little ones. They both have such expressive eyes! <3 Love "fairy kisses" as well -- so sweet.

  3. Such beautiful photos! They're so cute :) LOVE the crown photos.

  4. I just had to comment when I saw your name and your daughter's middle name: My name is also Carrie Anne and I named my daughter Isobel!

    1. Oh wonderful!!! thank you or commenting and stopping by Carrie Anne xxxxxx

  5. Beautiful princesses! Can't wait to see how they turn out when they have grown up! xx

  6. I don't think there are any faces on this earth more beautiful and fascinating to a mother than her own children's. I often wonder if I will ever get tired at mine. X

    1. I don't think its possible to ever get tired of them. I am finding they are changing every day! x

  7. Aw i love them so. :) They always make me smile.

    Madlyn xx



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